Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1477: I don't understand

By the time Qiu He woke up, half a day had passed, and the entire team had already walked out of the Black Tiger Forest.

Qiao Xuan ordered Ah Ye to come over and spread the word, saying that it was a special favor, and that she was allowed to stop kneeling.

At this time, her legs were sore and numb that she almost lost consciousness, and her head was dizzy, feeling cold and hot, extremely uncomfortable.

But the two maids didn't even want to pour her a cup of hot water, as if they didn't see it.

Qiu He was angry, annoyed and hated in his heart, so he had to endure it by himself.

Deep down, she couldn't help but wonder: where did she provoke that Mrs. Shao? It's not enough to find Qiao Wei's troubles, why did you find trouble with her servant girl again?

It can only be said that Mrs. Shao is too idle! Either he was frightened and deliberately vented his anger on his master and servant...

The group finally left the Black Tiger Forest safe and sound, all refreshed and relieved.

This forest is too old and lush, giving people a strong sense of oppression. Everyone wants to stay as far away from it as possible. After going out, they simply took a nap and ate something, and then immediately started to hurry.

At this time, only half a day has passed, and I can continue to walk for half a day. This road is much better, and I can go all the way in half a day!

After Sun Bai and Sun Qian discussed it, they reported to Shao Yunyun for instructions, and suggested that in the next schedule, everyone should hurry on the road as steadily as possible, and do not need to hurry too much.

"Those gray wolves in the middle of the night are obviously wrong, and the subordinates dare not say whether everyone can sleep peacefully every night from now on, and if they don't sleep peacefully at night, if they are in a hurry in the daytime, even the hard-core people will insist on it. It won't be a few days. Once there is any negligence, the consequences will be disastrous..."

They all thought about it. In the middle of the night yesterday, there were only wolves and no one. In the killing battle in the daytime yesterday, the other party fled more than half of the people. At this moment, they don't know where to hide and wait for them to be tired and neglectful. Kill it.

Shao Yunyun nodded: "Your concerns are right. According to the normal schedule, we still have nearly 20 days to reach Huning City, right? If we travel at full speed, it will take about half a month. There is really no need to fight these days. ."

"If you don't have a good night's rest, the speed will be slower, and you can return to Huning City within a month."

"Everyone was tired yesterday~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I didn't have a good rest at night. I ordered to go down and camp earlier today. I have something to say."

Shao Yunyun glanced at the two of them, and secretly praised them. They were indeed the elites of the Prince's Mansion. They thought about problems thoroughly and in a timely manner.

Sun Bai and Sun Qian glanced at each other without a trace, secretly relieved, and quickly clasped their fists in agreement.

What they were most worried about was that after being attacked, Master Shao would panic because of his lack of security.

Because everyone knew that as long as they reached Huning City, everyone would be much safer.

Many people in the entire team have already expressed this meaning, and they wish they could endure no matter how hard or hard they are on the road, as long as they can leave here early.

However, haste is not enough, the more you think about it, the more dangerous it is...

So, after just over an hour and a half in the afternoon, when Sun Bai and Sun Qian found it suitable to stay overnight, they ordered the entire team to stop.

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