This really caused a lot of dissatisfaction.

"What? Does this stop?"

"Yeah, it's too early, it's still early, at least another hour and a half!"

"Would you like to hurry up and try to get home earlier?"



Shao Yunyun called everyone together. It's hard to say whether there are any scouts from the Fourth Prince. Shao Yunyun naturally won't tell the truth. He just said that in order to prevent everyone from getting tired from the journey, it is better to stop and rest early.

When you have enough energy, you can go on your way.

For obvious reasons, most people couldn't accept it. Shao Yunyun was always gentle, and with the courage to return home, some people couldn't help but start, which attracted countless people to agree and ask for more time to travel.

Shao Yunyun patiently reassured and comforted him again and again, saying that it was for everyone's good, let everyone rest and nourish their spirits so as not to feel uncomfortable on the road, don't worry...

Sun Bai and Sun Qian were silent, standing there with seemingly indifferent expressions, but in reality they were watching with shrewd eyes calmly passing over a person.

Those who speak the most actively and are the most provocative, from today onwards, they will stare openly and secretly...

Shao Yunyun originally talked nonsense with these people for so long in order to cooperate with Sun Bai and Sun Qian. When Sun Bai and Sun Qian gave him a wink to indicate that it was all right, he looked solemn and said in a low voice, "This official has to be responsible for you, I don't want you all to return to Huning City with a disheartened face and a poor mental outlook. , what kind of etiquette is that? This official has made up his mind, don't talk about it any more!"

"Hurry up and go to work, set up camp early to make food, and rest early! Let's go!"

After speaking, regardless of whether they have anything else to say, they turned around and walked away.

Everyone looked at each other in dismay, and they had no choice but to leave in despair or sullenness, and work on their own.

Qiao Xuan smiled and waited for Shao Yunyun, the two of them looked at each other with a smile, Shao Yunyun felt soft in her heart, shook her hand, and said softly, "Take more time on the road, it seems that you are in danger, but in fact it is saving Strength to prevent being attacked, don't worry my lady, I have arranged everything."

Qiao Xuan smiled and nodded, "Yeah", "My husband doesn't need to explain to me, everything you do naturally has your reasons!"

Shao Yunyun smiled lightly, it would be great if everyone was as reasonable as his wife.

In the middle of the night, another maddened pack of wolves came to intrude, this time there were not so only about twenty.

Rao is so, in the middle of the night, it really turned the camp upside down.

Fortunately no one was injured.

The next day, I still found a suitable place to set up camp early, but I didn't encounter any accidents that night.

It's just that there were crazy wolves attacking in the night for two consecutive nights. Everyone subconsciously took precautions, thinking that they would come tonight, so they didn't dare to fall asleep at night.

On the third night, Qiao Xuan secretly used her power to extend her power to five miles outside the camp. That night, more than a dozen wolves attempted to storm the camp.

But before they could get close, Qiao Xuan used her supernatural powers to urge the vines and vines to mutate, strangling them all to death.

It's not that she is cruel, it's a last resort.

Although the grassland is vast, the number of wolves in each region is limited, and the wolves and wolves have their own territory, and it is easy to cross the border.

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