The other party can't always find so many wolves to do things.

A smaller quantity at a time is a good illustration of the fact.

If there are tomorrow night or the night after, it must be less, and in a few days, there will definitely be no more.

That night, everyone finally slept well, full of energy, talking and laughing and finally felt at ease.

Thinking about it, the other party is also out of luck!

Because Qiao Xuan's supernatural powers were overdrawn at night, she had no energy during the day, and she was very sleepy.

At first, Shao Yunyun thought what was wrong with her, and was worried and anxious. Later, she laughed and said that she just hadn't slept well at night, and that she should just take a good sleep in the carriage during the day. Shao Yunyun asked the accompanying doctor to take her pulse. It was because of physical exhaustion and poor spirit that I gave up.

Qiao Xuan slept darkly in the carriage for most of the day, and was finally raised.

When I was about to arrive at the station in the afternoon, my spirit was much better.

Li Xia saw it and smiled and said, "Madam is looking more energetic now, Mianmian, go and tell the adults! To save the adults from worrying."

Mianmian agreed with a smile, ordered the carriage to slow down, and jumped off.

Qiao Xuan couldn't stop it, so she said helplessly, "Where does this happen? You guys are really making a fool of yourself."

Lixia and Liqiu both covered their mouths and laughed.

Li Qiu also smiled and said: "Madam, this is all explained by the adults. You started to sleep in the morning. The adults came to watch several times and saw that you were sleeping soundly and didn't want to disturb you, so that's why you specially ordered them. Madam tight!"


Qiao Xuan was slightly surprised, had she slept for so long? She only knew that she slept very deeply and comfortably this night, but she never thought that she would fall asleep like this on the way for a day...

After a while, Shao Yunyun came over on a horse and called her through the curtain of the car.

Qiao Xuan lifted the curtain of the car and smiled at him: "Xiang Gong!"

Shao Yunyun smiled unconsciously, and looked her up and down with warm eyes, "I look more energetic, it seems that I am really tired!"

Said a little guilty. In the past few days, she was afraid that she was not less worried. Although she did not show it on her face, when she comforted her, she still smiled and comforted herself in turn.

But, how can you not be afraid?

Shao Yunyun felt all kinds of feelings in his heart and sighed secretly.

Thinking that there are still so many days to go, I have to say some comforting words.

The two laughed and chatted for a while, and when someone came to look for it, Shao Yunyun went.

Continue walking for less than a quarter of an, then stop and set up camp.

At this time, it was about four in the afternoon. In this dark place much later than the capital, it will be dark for at least two hours.

Qiao Xuan regained her energy and felt refreshed, so she went to Qiao Wei to find fault.

Qiao Wei's injury was secretly ordered by Qiao Xuan, and she was passively used, but the recovery was very slow. Qiu He's legs were severely kicked by Ah Yee, and the effect of the medicine was also not obvious. In the past few days, their master and servant have been troubled brothers and sisters, very low-key, and usually do not make a sound.

When Qiao Xuan came, Qiao Wei subconsciously gave birth to a sense of vigilance and fright in her heart, staring at her.

Qiao Xuan gave a "sneer" smile: "I just came to see how Miss Qiao's injury is, Miss Qiao should take care of her soon, otherwise it would be bad if something happened to drag everyone down. !"

"Hey, Miss Qiao must be intentional, right?"

"You!" Qiao Wei's forehead jumped with blue veins, and she gritted her teeth: "Qiao Xuan, don't deceive people too much!"

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