Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1481: it happened again

This was repeated two or three times like a concocted method. When the seven people were dizzy, suspicious, and unable to look left and right, all the thirty-six wolves had suffocated to death, silently lying in the grass in various postures. , Under the bleak night, the cool wind is blowing, the grass is rustling, and a penetrating coolness rises from the bottom of the feet, making people horrified...

"There are ghosts! There are ghosts!"

One made a shrill cry, screamed and turned around and ran!

The other six people were already disturbed by such a bizarre situation. When someone took the lead like this, everyone's mentality suddenly collapsed. One race and one panic turned around and ran away!

Where is this still a powerful dark guard killer? Holding the head and the mouse is embarrassed!

Qiao Xuan laughed in her heart, and immediately cast her powers to keep all seven of them behind. She doesn't dare to kill, but these **** are not good things, get a half-crippled head office, right?

However, these people were not weak in martial arts, their potential was stimulated under fear, and their running speed was as fast as lightning. Qiao Xuan was too late to leave everyone behind and only caught the two most backward.

When the two were running wildly, they were entangled in the grass and fell severely, and they wanted to get up and continue running in shock, but who knew they couldn't get up!

The grass wrapped around his feet was getting tighter and tighter, so tight that he almost slammed into the flesh. Both of them were masters of martial arts and could easily break the necks of others, but at this moment, they were entangled by the weeds. Can't break free.

They had just seen such a strange scene, and now they encountered it again. The two of them were so frightened that they ripped open their throats and screamed, "Help! Help!" Then they rolled their eyes and fainted.

After dawn, a group of people from the other party searched over, and when they saw the wolf corpses all over the ground, they were all dumbfounded!

After searching for these two people, he took a breath and was still angry, and Daxi hurriedly rescued them.

Also expecting to ask something from their mouths.

Unexpectedly, after the two woke up, they were still full of fear, and they even asked three questions, they didn't know anything, they really didn't know!

"...It must be a ghost. A ghost grabbed my feet. No matter how I struggled, I couldn't break free. It must be a ghost! It's terrible, it's terrible..."

One person muttered to himself upside down, and the other person was a little dumbfounded with fright and his eyes didn't move. Hearing these words, his face instantly turned pale, and he screamed with fear.

Obviously crazy!

When everyone looked at these two people again, their legs were already abolished.

And the mental state is not normal.

Everyone looked at each other in dismay, especially the few people who experienced all the weird things last night.

Almost, almost, they will become like this...

"Sir~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This... what should I do!"

"What kind of magic is this! What kind of evil magic!"

"Whatever it is, to us all..."

Everyone stopped talking, and the air was suffocated.

Yeah, no matter what, they can't fight.

How does this play?

Do you really want to die one by one?

Everyone felt timid in their hearts, and they all retreated.

The hesitant look in the leader's eyes only lasted for a short moment, and he sneered: "I don't know what crooked means they used, but their purpose has obviously been achieved, look at each of you, hum!"

"What are you afraid of? Don't forget what we are here for!"

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