"Don't forget the words that the Lord ordered before you set off. You don't know the temper of the Lord, do you?"

Everyone froze in their hearts, all bowed their heads, and looked solemn.

"As for the cause of death of those wolves, I would like to explain it very well. Those wolves were already drugged by us, they must have noticed them, and then they decided to put the drugs on the periphery of their camp, which is why the wolves were inexplicably suffocated. dead."

Everyone was relieved, thought about it carefully, and nodded.

Yes, that makes sense. Only in this way can it be explained.

"As for these two people, they must have been caught by them yesterday, destroying their will, and leaving them on purpose to create panic for us! Hmph, your reactions just now didn't exactly hit them. count?"

Everyone was ashamed when they thought about their reaction just now.

It's really like that...

The man in the lead smiled coldly: "I never believe in evil, you don't have to scare yourselves! It's all ready for me, go in tonight and kill that surnamed Shao!"


That night, more than 30 people gathered, and in the middle of the night they quietly approached the place where Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun were stationed.

However, when he was five miles away, Qiao Xuan found out.

Times are special, and one inadvertently lost is nothing else, it will be a life, including the people you care about.

So how can Qiao Xuan dare to relax?

Make up for sleep during the day and stay alert at night.

What surprised her was that the ability was stimulated by this, but it became more and more condensed and stronger, and this improvement was obvious. This is also a surprise.

There are people here tonight, and there are still a lot of people watching.

They are all masters, wearing night clothes, fast action, and good skills. Once they break in, the consequences will be disastrous.

Qiao Xuan sneered in her heart, and did not hesitate to use her supernatural powers to shake the rocks near the camp, and the grass rustled violently.

This kind of change obviously quickly attracted the attention of the patrolling guards, and then a large group of birds perching in the distance were alerted to flutter their wings from the half-person-high grass, screaming in surprise.

The patrolling guards froze in their hearts, and immediately shouted loudly: "Alert! Alert!"

That group of murderous assassins who were determined to try to hit someone by surprise were blackened with anger and cursed.

"Asshole! Asshole!"

"Boss, what should I do? Do you want to continue, move on?"

"What's going on?" The leader gritted his teeth and said bitterly, "We've already alarmed them~www.wuxiaspot.com~ We have no chance of winning, and we can't succeed, withdraw!"


The group of people no longer have to worry about whether to expose or not, no longer hide their traces, turn around and quickly evacuate.

Sun Bai led his people to chase, but it was too late to catch up, so he could only regret it.

In a hidden place in the distance, more than thirty people have not changed their night clothes, or stand or sit, and their expressions are extremely ugly.

Many people looked at each other quietly, all feeling uneasy in their hearts.

So evil!

The other party is like a **** help!

In that ambush, as well as this attempted sneak attack, they definitely didn't show the slightest trace, but they were inexplicable, disturbing the perching birds, inexplicable, and they made such a big movement for no reason, and they made all their plans. Destroyed!

It makes people feel so suffocated in their hearts, and Wo Huo is extremely depressed.

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