Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1483: Will there be spies

They are all elites carefully selected by the Fourth Highness, and they are able to compete with one another, whether they are martial arts or scheming.

Even if the opponent's camp is as well-prepared as an iron barrel, the chances of sneaking in and assassinating are still very high.

However, now there is an accident before someone even touches the edge. How can this convince people?

It's just never been so frustrating!

"Boss, could it be that there are spies among us, otherwise how could it be so coincidental..."

One stone creates a thousand waves!

Everyone was stunned by this unexpected sentence.

You look at me, I look at you, all of them are secretly vigilant, and no one can't help but secretly speculate in their hearts whether it may be a traitor.

The leader also froze in his heart, glanced at everyone, and doubts arose.

He doesn't believe in any evil, no weirdness, no help from God, let alone coincidences.

However, if there is a traitor, then everything is easy to explain.

If there is a traitor, who is it?

No one is like, nor is it likely to be, after all, everyone is His Highness's confidant and loyal to His Highness. But... people are separated from each other, who can guarantee it?

"Don't talk nonsense without evidence." The leader glanced at the person who said this, but he couldn't help thinking to himself, maybe he was a thief calling to catch a thief?

However, since there is such suspicion, it is obvious that no action is appropriate at the moment.

In any case, this inner ghost must be found out first...

Along the way, it suddenly became calm, which made Shao Yunyun, Sun Bai, Sun Qian and others secretly surprised.

This time, it can be said that I am really confused, I don't understand what the other party means?

Rao is that Sun Bai and Sun Qian have rich experience and are a little confused.

But the only certainty is that the rest time is guaranteed enough, so the speed of the journey can be accelerated a little.

In addition, you still have to be vigilant every day, especially the place to be stationed at night, and you need to choose carefully and choose a safe place.

The plan has changed. It was originally expected that it would take about a month to complete the entire journey steadily and cautiously, which shortened the trip by six or seven days.

It would be a torment to spend less than a day in this uninhabited, unobstructed, exotic land full of dangers everywhere!

According to the itinerary, it would take three days at most to return to Huning City, and everyone cheered and cheered. It is even more spirited to catch up on the road!

Every day when camping and resting, everyone sits together in groups of three or five, and they all discuss heatedly about what to do when they return to Huning City...

Everyone is eagerly looking forward to returning to Huning City as soon as possible~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to relax physically and mentally and take a good rest.

That night, everyone was stationed on a small hill, with a wide view, against a weathered stone wall.

The closer you get to Huning City, the fewer and fewer trees there are. As far as you can see, there is still a continuous grassland at the end of the line of sight.

In such a place, it is difficult to do an ambush, and everyone subconsciously relaxes a little.

In addition to returning to the heart like an arrow, it is even more inevitable that there will be some omissions.

No one would have imagined that, in such a place so close to Huning City, on such a mediocre night, there would be a near-extinction disaster...

At night, Qiao Xuan has become accustomed to extending her abilities to five miles away, silently monitoring the surrounding movement, and guarding the safety of everyone.

In the early hours of the morning, the sky was hazy, and when the sound of horses' hoofs that shook the sky and the earth came, Qiao Xuan was shocked! The power subconsciously took it back.

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