Meng Wanfu believed it to be true and admired her quite a bit.

Later, Lilac used this method to teach him to recognize commonly used words. Later, he bought a few history books and interspersed the thirty-six strategies, some historical stories, principles, etc., and told him about it. Meng Wanfu even more I admire it, I feel that I am really stupid, and I can't comprehend so much when I read the book by myself.

Fifty taels of silver is definitely not enough. When he was in the provincial capital, Lilac bought another low-quality eyebrow pencil, spent more than a dozen novel flower patterns on the paper, and sold it to the embroidery workshop.

Although the appearance of the flower is novel, it is actually not worth the money.

She drew two more sets of jewelry patterns and sold them to Yinlou for twelve taels.

The two spent 10 taels of silver to hire a carriage to go to Jiangcheng, and bought 200 catties of tea from Yuzhang. After three and a half days, they arrived in Jiangcheng and sold the tea to Erdao dealers for 20 taels of silver.

The purchase price of tea was 11 taels in total, and this trip made 9 taels. After all, it only took one or two tolls to arrive at Jiangcheng.

In Jiangcheng, we simply packed a boat, like a concoction method, to buy a batch of goods and sell them at the next stop.

After more than a month, when I arrived at Huning City, I calculated the cost of food, lodging, transportation, etc. on the road. I didn't spend my old money, but I still made two or three dollars.

The two laughed for a long time.

Meng Wanfu was so full of admiration that he felt at ease and stable. Even if you fail to join the army, you can make money by doing business with Lilac.

Lilac was full of emotion in her heart and wanted to cry.

This ancient traffic is terrible. This trip from south to north is such a short distance. After more than a month, everyone is exhausted and will be abandoned. I worked so hard to get some goods, and I only earned so much.

When they arrived at Huning City, they still had sixty-five taels of silver in their hands.

Lilac decisively dragged Meng Wanfu around, and spent ten taels of silver to rent a small courtyard for a year and a half.

If they want to live here for a long time, it is naturally impossible to live in an inn, which is too expensive.

Meng Wanfu was lucky. In less than half a month, news of conscription came out, and he was selected as soon as he went, no suspense.

But when he listened to Lilac, he didn't rush to the front, kept a low profile, and took the initiative to get along well with people. Only at the right time did his boss "inadvertently" discover that he not only knew how to read, but also had a little understanding of the art of war.

So he soon became a member of a corps of Later, Lilac advised him again, and he was not a fool himself, and seized every opportunity, of course, there were also Luckily, that's how it got here.

As for Lilac, he took care of his business plan in Huning City, and it became bigger and bigger. Now he is a famous big businessman in Huning City.

Just two years ago, the two got married naturally and naturally.

Meng Wanfu treated her with real respect and perseverance, and was extremely condone, never restraining her. Someone sent a concubine to Meng Wanfu, but Lilac picked up a whip and kicked the door, almost scaring him to death.

Nowadays, in various military camps around Huning City, everyone knows that Madam Meng is fierce and jealous, and no one dares to send a concubine to General Meng anymore.

Lilac talked about her situation in general, and inevitably asked Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun how it was.

She couldn't help but said: "Sister, you have a simple personality. Those ladies and ladies in the capital are not something to be offended by. Has my elder sister been bullied by them in the capital? Will Master Shao protect elder sister? ?"

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