Qiao Xuan originally married lowly, but now Shao Yunyun is a favorite of the Eastern Palace. It's hard to say whether she will float away, tremble in front of his wife, or contract some man's stinky ailments. Lilac really cares about Qiao Xuan.

Qiao Xuan was sweating silently in her heart, and Lilac's concerned expression was not fake, but it made her very stressed. She never thought that someone would describe herself as simple, which made her a little embarrassed...

Lilac said again: "I really treat my sister as my own. If my sister suffers any grievances, she must tell me, and I will definitely vent my anger on her!"

She doesn't have any relatives, and the Ding family's people are enemies, not relatives. Although the behavior of her parents after they mistakenly thought that she was "dead" made her feel relieved, the estrangement in her heart was created, and she couldn't treat them without any grudges.

Only Qiao Xuan offered her a helping hand when she was in trouble and bewildered, and made her feel the only warmth and comfort in her grief, anger, loss and resentment.

This is something she will never forget in her life, and she will never forget the feeling at that time.

Qiao Xuan couldn't help laughing when she heard her tone of "If the dog man is not good, I will teach him a lesson for you!" She shook her head and smiled: "My husband treats me as before, he and others are very good, and I have not suffered any grievances. If he bullies me in the future, I will definitely ask you for help!"

"Okay, don't forget that!"

The two smiled at each other.

Lilac was also very curious about the capital, and Qiao Xuan happened to be interested in the area around Huning City. The two chatted about gossip for a day, and they didn't part until the night when they set up camp.

With the participation of dozens of elites brought by Meng Wanfu and Lilac, everyone felt relieved.

Based on Meng Wanfu's identity alone, as long as the subordinates of the Fourth Prince are not crazy, they will never dare to mess around.

Qiao Wei's injuries were almost healed. Knowing the identities of Meng Wanfu and Lilac, when she was stationed in the evening, she ordered someone to support her to say hello to Lilac.

Qiao Xuan just went to find Shao Yunyun, and when she came back, she saw Qiao Wei sitting beside Lilac with a smile on her face and talking to her.

Lilac lowered her eyebrows and lowered her eyes, unable to see the expression on her face.

Qiao Xuan gave Qiao Wei a disdainful glance, this person is always so confident! However, it is difficult for people who are close to him to recognize Qiao Wei and make friends with her!

After all, people are divided into groups, but Qiao Wei is not of this type.

Lilac seemed to sense that Qiao Xuan was back~www.wuxiaspot.com~ As soon as she looked up and saw her, she stood up with a smile: "Sister!"

Qiao Xuan smiled and pulled her to sit beside her, "What are you talking about!"

When Lilac called "sister" affectionately, the smile on Qiao Wei's face froze. Jealousy and anger are raging for a while!

This bitch!

Why is she everywhere!

It's really shameless for her to curry favor with Mrs. Ding so quickly.

In addition to her anger, she was even more jealous. This Madam Ding has always been indifferent to her, and she did not take her flattery and flattery. She didn't say a few words. She thought it was because of her personality, but she didn't expect to be so enthusiastic towards Qiao Xuan. intimate. What the **** did this **** Qiao Xuan do?

Let people call her "sister"? Oh, what a big face she has! Shao Yunyun is just a civil official with no real power from the fifth rank, how can he compare to General Meng, a third-rank general who holds real power!

This is almost a set, so shameless!

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