"I'll just say, I don't like this person, it's not a good thing!"

Qiao Xuan smiled: "It is only a sensible person like my sister who can see the essence at a glance."

Lilac said with a smile: "As soon as she opened her mouth, I knew she was a watch - hehe, she's not very good, but fortunately she didn't wink, I ignored her and she could speak so vigorously by herself! "

She raised her eyebrows as she said, "How come such a person is also in the marriage team? There has been a lot of mischief along the way, right? I think she is very malicious and unwilling to her sister. Such a person acts despicable and shameless, There is no lower limit, elder sister should be careful, don't let Master Shao be calculated by her!"

"I think if she can make a big sister sad by scheming Master Shao, she would definitely be happy to do such a thing."

Qiao Xuan was convinced, Lilac girl was so transparent and refreshing.

Isn't that so? Qiao Wei is not only happy to do it, she has already done it! Just failed.

It's just that what happened that night couldn't be told. Saying that if it spreads, it would "destroy Qiao Wei's reputation". At that time, it was self-defeating and had to give her an explanation.

"My sister is right, and I'm also guarding it. Fortunately, my husband is not confused!"

Lilac said this to remind Qiao Xuan of kindness. After listening to Qiao Xuan's words, she knew that the couple did not deal with Qiao Wei, and said with a smile, "Master Shao is worthy of being the champion, and he is different from others!"

Soon it was time for dinner. There was no place in front of the village or the store in the back. Dinner was nothing more than barbecue, boiled tea, and a pot of rice porridge. If you are lucky, you can get some green onions and wild chives around. Vegetables and bones are stewed in a pot of soup. If you are unlucky, you can only drink a bowl of rice porridge and a bowl of tea to relieve tiredness.

When the cloves came out, the dry food they brought was still very fresh. Don't look at the hard ones that can be used as bricks to smash people. They are very delicious when they are soaked in broth.

After dinner, Lilac disliked Qiao Wei and buzzed around like flies, so she simply took Qiao Xuan for a walk and walked around.

Qiao Wei's leg injury hasn't recovered yet, so she can't follow at all, so she can only watch and give up, and she hates it.

It is believed that Qiao Xuan said bad things about her in front of Lilac, so Lilac had animosity and prejudice against her, so she ignored her.

Seeing Qiao Xuan, the look in her eyes couldn't wait to eat her.

When Qiao Xuan saw her expression, she guessed what she was thinking and laughed secretly in her heart.

She told Lilac a lot~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but what she said was the truth, but she didn't wrong Qiao Wei for a single sentence.

Qiao Xuan did not explain her relationship with Lilac to her.

It wasn't until she arrived at Huning City and moved into the inn that Qiao Xuan smiled and told Qiao Wei about Lilac's identity.

After listening to Qiao Wei's blank and stunned expression, it was enough for Qiao Xuan to laugh for the first half of the year!

Qiao Wei became angry with shame, her face was blue and white with anger, she gritted her teeth, it turned out to be so!

It turned out that Mrs. Ding was actually from Shaoding Village, and Qiao Xuan had helped Mrs. Ding a lot when she was still in Shaoding Village! That's why Mrs. Ding seemed so close to her and her relationship from the very beginning!

No wonder, when she said a few words of Qiao Xuan's inner meaning, Madam Ding's eyes were not quite right!

Thinking of her own calculations, Qiao Wei felt ashamed and annoyed.

Damn little slut, played her hard!

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