Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1496: Back to Huning City

Finally arrived at Huning City safely, everyone breathed a sigh of relief!

Finally returned to the land of Daqin!

Although Huning City was still far away from the capital, it would take at least half a month to return to the capital, but it was his own territory after all.

There is an inn to stay in every night. If you are lucky, you can stay in an inn, which is much better than that in the wilderness.

On the way, the big guy was affected and frightened a lot, so Shao Yunyun ordered to rest in Huning City for three days, and rushed back to the capital after three days.

During these three days, everyone must also sell all the goods they brought back from Qingdi King City.

Only a very small amount of valuables are allowed to be put in their respective luggage, and they need to be covered up so as not to reveal their deeds.

The court has its rules and regulations, which cannot be violated.

It would be too out of character for the imperial court to openly carry the goods back to Beijing one by one.

Lilac knew about this, waved her hand, called the shopkeeper under her hand, packed all the goods, and gave everyone the best price.

Everyone was happy and praised General Meng Gaoyi.

Meng Wanfu sent more than half of his hunting men back to Beimingguan, leaving only a dozen personal guards. He and Lilac stayed in Huning City for a few days. When Shao Yunyun and Qiao Xuan returned to Beijing, they would return to Beimingguan. .

Lilac and Qiao Xuan are very close, and lead Qiao Xuan to visit Huning City very enthusiastically, wishing that Qiao Xuan could stay in Huning City for a while longer.

The two agreed that they would come and go again when they were free. The distance between the capital and Huning City was not too far away.

Anyway, they have a lot of time.

Knowing the relationship between Lilac and Qiao Xuan, Qiao Wei was ashamed and angry, and naturally she did not take the initiative to approach Lilac again.

She wanted to get together, but she knew that it was just self-inflicted humiliation.

Qiao Xuan and Lilac went out to play, and she didn't follow.

But after Qiao Xuan's master and servant returned to the inn in the evening, Qiao Wei angrily stopped Qiao Xuan and gave her a full of malicious venting and taunting.

Lixia, Liqiu, and Mianmian's faces were darkened when they heard it, and they wished they could give Qiao Wei a few blows.

Qiao Xuan didn't have time to accompany her to go crazy, she just scolded her vigorously, but was pushed away by Qiao Xuan and walked away.

She was so angry that Qiao Wei had a half-mouthed attack~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and the remaining half of her mouth was stuck in her chest. She returned to the room and cursed, and she smashed several pieces of furniture to vent her anger.

Qiu He's injury has been healed, and the two maids who were serving by Qiao Wei's side have also been sent away. Qiu He persuaded her a few words when she saw that she was almost venting.

Qiao Wei became more and more annoyed, gritted her teeth and asked her in a deep voice: "Why are those people so useless? The snail-like footsteps on the road have dragged on for so long, and they can't kill them!"

Qiu He was also full of anger, thinking that if they travel fast, they will easily make loopholes. The more slow, steady and vigilant, how should they do it?

The bandits that day were invincible, but who knew that they would encounter Meng Wanfu's group again.

With Meng Wanfu and his gang joining in, who would dare to do it? There is no chance of winning at all!

Qiu He comforted Qiao Wei with a few words, and went to the kitchen to get her food.

There was a dinner party tonight, but Qiao Wei was so angry that she had just had a fight with Qiao Xuan, so she wouldn't go over, so she just ate in her room.

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