Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1514: please don't

Lilac has already arranged the story, Zhou Chong, Qingyun, etc. can just tell her story to Ding Erzhu, Zhou Shi, Fang Shi, Li Zheng and others.

In the story, Lilac escaped from the ancestral hall in anger and despair, and followed the caravan to the provincial capital in the county town. Fortunately, a large caravan to Huning City, a big city on the northern border, happened to hire people. Many people were unwilling to go too far. Go, cloves go.

When they arrived in Huning City, they rescued the general by accident. The general was very grateful and felt that she was a good person, so he asked someone to match up. Lilac also admired the general, and the two got married in Huning City.

Because of the long distance and a lot of affairs after getting married, I never came back. until now……

No one doubts this.

Thinking of her daughter's experience, she didn't know how much she suffered and suffered, and Zhou shi cried again, and Ding Erzhu also sighed.

When Zhou Chong saw this, he felt better.

With a smile, they talked about Shao Yunyun and Qiao Xuan with Fang Shi and others, and Fang Shi and others were overjoyed.

Besides, when the general promised to help inquire about Xiao Qi and take care of Xiao Qi, Fang Shi and others were even more grateful. They stood up and thanked them.

Early the next morning, Ding Erzhu and the Zhou family came again, leading Qingyun, Zhou Chong and other Shanglizheng, the patriarch and the clan elders around the house one by one, and gave some gifts.

He also made two tables of good meals in the borrowed space of the Shao family's big house, and invited Li to wait for dinner.

Li is waiting for nature to come happily.

Although some people in the Ding family were not satisfied and felt that this meal should not be cooked in the Shao family's place, but should be cooked in the Ding family, but no one dared to say anything.

Yesterday, Zhou Chong, Qingyun, they were too sturdy, Ding Wuye's family was so packed that they couldn't get up, who would dare to rely on the old and sell the old?

Besides, Ding Erzhu and his wife were already on good terms with the Shao family.

Let's just eat happily, why bother?

The Ding family is still very happy and proud. The Shao family has a Master Shao, and their Ding family is not bad, there is a general's wife!

If the Shao family said anything in the future, they would be able to respond more or less.

When treating guests to dinner, no one mentioned inviting Ding Wu’s grandmother and Ding Wu’s grandmother. It’s not that they were reluctant to have this meal, but that the two of them came, and everyone was embarrassed, and Ding Wu’s temperament would definitely make trouble again. Something happened.

Just don't ask.

It's just that Mr. Fang asked Yang Xiaoni to take a big bowl and put a big bowl of cooked chicken, steamed pork, mutton, etc. ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to send over.

At least blocking the mouths of the villagers will not make people feel that Ding Erzhu and Zhou Shi are too ruthless.

Although the relationship is broken, they are biological parents anyway. If they don't call over to have a meal together, it will definitely be a problem, but it is unreasonable to say that they are not at all.

Quan should be filial piety to elders with the same surname.

Yang Xiaoni gave it to her in a hurry, and Grandma Ding Wu sneered: "Who do you do this for! Why don't you invite us if you really have the heart? You can't bear to eat a meal, what is this!"

Yang Xiaoni is a sincere person, she pouted after hearing this: "Oh, don't say that, it's not that you refuse to invite me. You must be looking for trouble when you go. Are you still going to eat?"

"You!" Grandma Ding Wu glared at Yang Xiaoni, this idiot! Have something to say to her!

The third daughter-in-law of the Ding family couldn't help complaining: "If you want to give it away, don't be generous, you can get it with just that! Be stingy!"

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