Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1515: Ding 2 Zhu Zhou's is not scary, what is scary is cloves

Yang Xiaoni stared: "This is for Ding Wuye and Ding Wu's grandmother. Why are you stingy for such a big bowl? It has nothing to do with you! Why? You still stare at me? Uncle Erzhu, Aunt Zhou, they used to be able to Have you been bullied a lot? Fortunately, they are generous people, and they are lucky if they didn’t ask you to settle accounts. Do you still want people to think about you and give you food? What do you think!”

The face of the third daughter-in-law of the Ding family, who was talking about it, turned pale, and she couldn't help showing a bit of fear in her eyes.

Thinking of the slap I received yesterday, my face seems to have a burning pain...

Yes, she, how could she forget? In the past, when Ding Erzhu and Mrs Zhou were still in this family, they were often bullied. They did all the dirty work, and they were ridiculed and deliberately made things difficult for them.

Ding Erzhu and Mrs. Zhou were fine, but that lilac and that dead girl had a terrifying temper afterward. They didn't give any face at all, and even beat her and her sister-in-law to Zhangzui!

Not only the third daughter-in-law of the Ding family, but also their brothers and sisters-in-law all panicked.

Yesterday, after returning from Lizheng and the patriarch, the family scolded them for a long time, fully waiting for Zhou Chong and Qingyun's group to leave before finding Ding Erzhu and Zhou to settle accounts.

In particular, the two daughters-in-law who were slapped were even more hated and provoked, and secretly swore that when the time came, they would slap their mother-in-law to fight, and they should give Zhou a few slaps during the chaos, otherwise it would be hard to calm down. hate.

But now, they dare not...

Ding Erzhu and the Zhou family are not scary, it is the cloves that are scary!

What if the cloves came back and turned over the old accounts?

The two old cloves will definitely not dare to move, but they are going to be unlucky!

After that, the family was honest and never dared to go to Zhangjia Village to make a fuss. Even when Grandma Ding Wu wanted to go, her sons and daughters-in-law tried their best to stop her, and the villagers looked so weird!

No one could have imagined that this was actually the credit of Yang Xiaoni's unintentional words...

Zhou Chong waited for two days in Shaoding Village before leaving. This road is not very close, and I have to rush back to the end of October and the beginning of November. If you delay another day, it will be colder when you enter the Northland, and you will have to suffer more on the road.

Mr. Fang enthusiastically prepared a lot of food for them on the road, and each person sealed a big red envelope, and the family politely sent them out.

Looking forward to the news of Xiao Qi soon.

Zhou Shi and Ding Erzhu were quite reluctant to give up, and specifically asked the teacher in the school to help write a letter to Lilac, hoping that she would come back soon~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But in any case, the couple knew that the girl was still alive and prosperous Now, this unexpected joy has made them have no regrets in this life.

After Zhou Chong left, Mr. Fang went to see Ding Erzhu and Mrs. Zhou once.

They are the parents of the general's wife, and it is not suitable for them to do housekeeping work for themselves.

Ding Erzhu and Mrs Zhou couldn't be idle, and couldn't think of what to do for a while. It's not a way for peasants to live without work.

Said that he still manages Zhuangzi for the Shao family's big house, and he is not tired either sideways or vertically, and his days are still leisurely.

Fang Shi thought about it and agreed.

When such a thing happened, the brothers and sisters-in-law of various households in the village unexpectedly became more harmonious, and some eccentric old people gradually changed back to a little bit - in case the children and grandchildren who were oppressed one day Is there anyone out there?

Ding Wuye's family is a ready-made negative example!

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