Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1524: almost went wrong

The son has a kind heart. If this woman is persecuted and lost in this big forest, since she encounters something that doesn't go well with her, the son will definitely not be able to get through it.

Qiao Xuan didn't expect this person to change his mind so quickly, she was overjoyed and nodded quickly, "Thank you, big brother."

Xie Miao glanced at her and led her back.

As soon as Qiao Xuan appeared, Xie Dong and Xie Xi subconsciously turned their heads and looked at them.

Qiao Xuan was also taken aback, "Ah!" She called out, looked at them dazedly, then looked at Xie Jingrong who had her back turned to this side, hesitantly said, "Thank...but Master Xie?"

Now it was Xie Miao's turn to widen her eyes! !

Xie Jingrong's heart skipped a beat, and when he looked back, Qiao Xuan's eyes lit up, "This—Mrs. Shao! It's really you!"

He hurriedly stepped forward: "Why is Mrs. Shao here? Where is Mr. Shao? This—what's going on!"

Xie Miao: "..."

Xie Miao scratched his head and felt that his head was not enough. What happened?

Qiao Xuan tried her best to shed a few tears, but she failed, only a thin layer of water mist appeared in her eyes, "Thank you, Young Master, I'm so lucky!"

She sighed in surprise and joy, "It's a long story."

Xie Jingrong hurriedly asked her to sit down under the shade of the tree and have a good talk, and then asked Xie Dong and Xie Xi to quickly roast the meat and cook the soup: "Is Mrs. Shao hungry? Let's have something to eat later."

Qiao Xuan was really hungry, she nodded her thanks, and briefly recounted how she appeared here.

Everything else is easy to talk about. How one person can bring down the six people needs to find a good reason to explain it. Qiao Xuan can only say that she is lucky, and she bought some medicines for causing a coma in Qingdi Wangcheng. The medicines are very effective, but the journey is not smooth, so she always carries those medicines with her.

Unexpectedly, it just came in handy, quietly stunned those people, and then found a chance to escape.

But in this big forest, it's hard to tell the direction, so she had no choice but to determine the direction arbitrarily. She planned to try to walk around first, and then go downstream along the river when she encountered it. Who would have known such good luck...

"I didn't expect to meet Mr. Xie, my luck is really good!"

Seeing Qiao Xuan's bright smile, Xie Jingrong didn't smile, and was in a good mood.

"Don't worry, Mrs. Shao, since that's the case, let's take a rest and go to Yanzhou City. Master Shao and the others must be in a hurry."

"Thank you so much, Young Master, I'm really sorry this time for disturbing Young Master Xie's interest!"

"No no~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Mrs. Shao, please don't say that. I originally had no purpose to play around. It's the same everywhere."

Xie Jingrong seemed to casually ask a few words which direction Qiao Xuan was coming from, got up for an excuse, and greeted Xie Miao with a wink.

"Go back and look for it, and solve those people for me."

Xie Miao was stunned.

Of course, the eldest son of his own is not a gentle scholar with no scheming, but he is also the next patriarch trained by the Xie family since childhood. Xie Miao did not find it strange at all that he would say such words from his mouth.

However, his son has never said such a thing on his own initiative. This is the first time that he has asked him to deal with a few people.

He naturally understands what it means to solve it.

"Young Master, the villain can't leave the Young Master's side, in case—"

"There is nothing in case, a dozen miles is nothing to you, go and return quickly."

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