Xie Miao opened her mouth and wanted to say that it was unnecessary. Isn't this Mrs. Shao already out of danger? Why are you still killing it?

He didn't know that the reason why Xie Jingrong wanted to destroy those people was to give the Fourth Prince a shock, and secondly, it was to prevent those people from going out and talking nonsense.

Even though Qiao Xuan is the wife of a court official, as long as the fourth prince is not mad and crazy, as long as he is not utterly stupid, he will definitely instruct his subordinates not to violate Qiao Xuan, and they will never dare.

However, it is difficult to guarantee that after going out, he will say something indiscriminately.

And these words, he will never allow Qiao Xuan to be involved.

In Xie Jingrong's eyes, their lives were nothing compared to Qiao Xuan's good reputation.

As long as they were dealt with without knowing it, he would naturally have a good confession with Qiao Xuan. Qiao Xuan was never kidnapped by them for a day and a night, but was rescued by him halfway through the day. Been with him all the time.

But she was frightened, so instead of sending her back immediately, she took a break.

This is just a last resort. If Shao Yunyun's information is blocked in a timely and strict manner, and outsiders don't even know about Qiao Xuan's disappearance, it will be even better. He secretly sends people back...

Knowing his son's temperament, Xie Miao sighed, and had to answer "yes", and honestly went to kill and silence.

Besides, after Qiao Xuan left, within a quarter of an hour, the man struggled to get rid of the bound vines. It was much faster than Qiao Xuan expected.

The people under the fourth prince's hands are more or less capable, but it's just unfortunate, dozens of people in this forest will not be Qiao Xuan's opponents.

After he got out of trouble, he quickly went to find his friends.

Soon, all six of them got out of trouble.

The six people were bitten by mosquitoes for one night, and the mountain wind blew for another night. The mountain vines **** their hands and feet, and the blood was blocked.

I can't wait to teach Qiao Xuan a lesson.

At the same time, I was so scared that I was in a cold sweat. Fortunately, those who had secret hands on them only rescued Qiao Xuan, and did not kill them...

They never thought that only Qiao Xuan would be the one who secretly attacked, and there was no rescue.

After a while, the six talents truly came to their senses and sat together to discuss, all of them angry and frightened.

They couldn't figure it out, how could the rescuers come so quickly? Totally caught them off guard!

They were also negligent, because they were too sure that no one would be able to find them, so they took it lightly, and all of them suffered a plot.

As long as they are a little vigilant~www.wuxiaspot.com~ they believe that they will never end up like this!

I thought it was a simple errand, but it was completely screwed up by them, and it was only through the kindness of the other party that they managed to get their life back.

How to do?

Just go back like this, His Highness will never let them go!

"Chase, you have to chase! Take people back!"

"It's not too late, let's go now!"

"it is good!"

If you chase it, you must chase it, but whether people can **** it back is another matter. At least let His Highness know that they have tried their best.

When Qiao Xuan left, there were many traces of broken blades of grass. Ordinary people might not notice these traces, but for them, it was enough.

The six unlucky **** didn't know that they chased after them all the way, but they actually took the initiative to die...

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