Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1574: What is open mind? That's it

As long as the Fourth Highness sends someone to do something, it is not difficult for these witnesses to die suddenly.

Just in time, I pushed it on Shao Yunyun's head, saying that he killed people and silenced him. Oh, let's see how Mr. Shao, who has always been very lucky, will deal with it.

Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun also got into trouble with them.

Qiao Xuan was keenly aware of the intentional or unintentional bias in Shao Yunyun's words. Although she didn't quite understand what he meant, the long-standing tacit understanding between the husband and wife made her know that she was right to follow her husband's ideas.

As a result, Qiao Xuan repeatedly denied that she knew Liu Fu and others, and what conspiracy to frame it was even more nonsense.

Liu Fu's children blushed with anger, and began to cry again. They were also angry and powerless in denial.

But whether it was them or Qiao Xuan, the more they denied it, the more Wen Fuxin insisted that they must have known and framed him.

She even secretly poked at the connotation, implying that Qiao Xuan is jealous because she has resentment for what the fourth prince concubine bestowed upon others, but she does not have enough identity and the courage to take revenge on the fourth prince concubine, and even her own uncle may not be capable enough. I started to do it, so I focused on my simple-minded self, so I set up a plan to harm myself, so as to attack the Fourth Prince's Mansion...

Liu Fu and others were so angry that they were about to faint!

In addition to being surprised, Qiao Xuan almost applauded!

What is open mind? That's it!

This gentleman is really talented in this regard.

Director Wen stood proudly, his expression light, but his heart was full of pride.

How powerful can Shao Yunyun be? His Highness has suffered a lot from him, both openly and secretly!

Don't say anything else, just talk about this potato, which he also gave to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. I didn't expect the Ministry of Housing and the palace to stare at this matter together. It turned out to be a bumper harvest. , Greatly commended the Crown Prince, his Royal Highness was not so saddened and saddened.

If he has severely defeated Shao Yunyun this time, His Highness will naturally look at him higher...

Unexpectedly, when the two sides were at a stalemate, Liu Fu's parents also came.

Three men with vicissitudes of life walked to the court with a cold face. The youngest one had all beards and tails, about thirty-five or six years old. The other two were in their forties. One was blind in one eye and the other was walking. The right leg is lame.

However, Liu Fu and others shouted with bright eyes, "Uncle Zheng, Uncle Wu, Uncle Liu!"

The two uncles and nephews, the director of Wenda, also looked at the past with disdain.

It turns out that the families of those poor and sour boys are so crippled and crippled, ah, it's ridiculously stupid to show up at such a crippled time!

The uncle and nephew, the director of Wenda University, barely concealed the ridicule in their hearts, and watched the play with malicious interest.

As soon as the three men came in, Liu Fu rushed towards them. The three men cherished these children very much. Seeing this, they gently stroked and comforted them, all showing anger on their faces.

His face was cold.

The thirty-five- or six-year-old man took two steps forward slowly, his waist was straight, and he glanced at Master Qin, his eyes fixed on Director Wen, his eyes were dark and bottomless, and his eyes were cold and cold.

Being stared at by him like this, Director Wen shivered subconsciously, only to feel an icy chill rushing up from the soles of his feet...

Wen Fuxin couldn't compare to his uncle. He was so scared that his face became stiff and he stood beside him, breathing lightly.

"Xiao Fu and the others don't know Mrs. Shao and Mrs. Shao, and they conspired to frame Nephew Ling, which is even more nonsense!"

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