The sneer of "Ha!" from the director of Wenda University, the sense of shame and anger that was accidentally overwhelmed by a few crippled auras made him a little out of control, and said sharply: "You are all in the same group, so naturally you will say that!"

"I won't lie," Zheng Sanger handed up a dark red old oilcloth bag in his hand, and said coldly, "Master Qin will know after reading it."

Director Wen's smirk with a smirk and smirk was even more malicious, and he said sharply: "What? Is this a bribe in front of our family?"

Shao Yun sneered: "A dog can't spit out ivory!"

"What did you say!"

"If you make assumptions, you throw dirty water on people and snap your hats. What is it that dogs can't spit out ivory?"


Master Qin coughed, "Bring the things up."

Since people handed it over in court, he naturally wanted to see it.

The oilcloth bag was quickly placed in front of Master Qin, who opened it, picked up a folded piece of paper and looked at it, his face changed greatly.

He hurriedly looked at others, his eyes widened, his hands trembling uncontrollably, his expression was indescribably complicated, showing what a turbulent wave was set off in his heart!

Both the uncle and nephew, the general manager of Wenda, were stunned, full of doubts and confusion.

Seeing such a big reaction from Master Qin, the head of Wenda, who has always been confident and the old **** is there, is not calm, he glanced at Shao Yunyun, whose expression did not change, he secretly hated, and smirked: "Master Qin, what is this all about? , Master Qin, won't you talk about it?"

Lord Qin was a little confused, he glanced at him, raised his eyebrows and said, "It's better to stop this case for now and try again later!"

This is a cliché of yamen convention.

It means that this case is not suitable for public trial, it is better to transfer it to the back hall, and everyone sit down and discuss slowly...

Zheng Sanger hardly hesitated. Instead, he seemed to be relieved, and immediately stated: "Yes... but it's up to Lord Qin to make the decision."

Shao Yunyun glanced at Zheng Sanger, paused for a moment, and said, "I have no opinion either."

They don't have any opinions, the general manager of Wenda must have it!

But he hesitated.

However, before he could speak, Wen Fuxin had already stated: "No way! Why can't the trial be held in an open and honest way? Someone wants to sneak up on ghosts? Hmph, dreaming!"

If they all agree, he must disagree! They must be tricky.

Wen Fuxin thought so, and Director Wen was a little suspicious at first. Now that his nephew has spoken, he is also determined, "Yes, Master Qin has something to say, but it doesn't matter!"

Master Qin quickly glanced at the two uncles and nephews, the director of Wenda, with pity.

Since they were all on the road to death, why wasn't he fulfilled?

He has kindly proposed it, and they refused it. Even if His Royal Highness the Fourth Prince is dissatisfied, he can't blame him.

"That's the case, then that's fine!" Master Qin got up, cupped his hands at Zheng Sanger, and bowed slightly: "General Zheng, please speak."

General Zheng?

What kind of general is this thing? Did they hear it wrong, or did Mr. Qin go mad and say it wrong? ?

Not only the uncle and nephew, the director of Wenda University, looked at each other, trying to read their misunderstood expressions from each other's expressions.

Everyone else was stunned!

The onlookers were even more stunned and gasped for a while.


"What did Lord Qin just say? Did you hear it?"

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