Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1581: Master Qin has a headache

General Sun sneered lightly: "General Manager Wen is worthy of being a General Manager, he is decisive and courageous! If it weren't for the big trouble today, General Manager Wen wouldn't be like this, right? This general can hear that just before, General Manager Wen stood in the right direction. When he was in the court of the Tianfu Yamen, he was very arrogant!"

Shao Yunyun replied indifferently: "General Sun is right, Director Wen Da has resolutely stated that it was my wife who colluded with Xiao Fu and the others to harm his nephew! I am surprised that he was not there when the incident happened, how would he know Is it so clear? What is the matter, shouldn't it be Lord Qin's interrogation?"

Zheng Sangge said coldly: "Sir Shao is right! Before this incident alarmed the prince and others, the Director of Wenda didn't seem to think that he had not taught the younger generation well, did he? The Director of Wenda still wants a chance to reform? Where do we put us? !"

General Sun slapped the table: "It's an unforgivable sin!"

The fourth prince hated in his heart, but he knew very well that he was destined to be unable to keep his head.

Even if he saves his life, the position of chief executive is certainly impossible to remain him. Also, his nephew's life is definitely not guaranteed!

Otherwise, General Sun and the second child will not give up, and the father and emperor will not be able to explain it. He is trying to win over the generals. When others see the fate of Zheng Sanger and others, who will believe in himself?

This dog thing, it's making trouble for myself!

He knows a lot of his own affairs. If he is resentful because of this, it will be a trouble later. It is better to abandon him and show his righteousness.

Thinking of this, the fourth prince said coldly: "This king doesn't know about this matter, otherwise he will not forgive me! The matter has come to this point, Prince, these two will be handed over to the Prince, if you want to kill or cut, let the Prince be Lord is the master!"

Director Wen Da and Wen Fuxin's uncle and nephew immediately fell limp and wailed.

The prince was upset when he heard this, frowned and said, "Gag your mouth and pull the person down!"

Master Qin quickly responded, and soon someone came up and took him away quickly.

The crown prince sighed secretly, glanced at Shao Yunyun, Qiao Xuan, Zheng Sangge, etc., and said softly to comfort: "I know that you are all wronged, making slaves hateful and overbearing, you must not forgive me! This matter is still going on. Leave it to Lord Qin for interrogation, we must get to the bottom of it, and how to deal with it! Give you an innocence and an explanation."

Zheng Sanger had no opinion, neither did Shao Yunyun. The two looked at each other and thanked them respectfully.

Master Qin secretly complained, but he had to bite the bullet and take it.

This was originally a very small case, or it was just a conflict in essence. If there was a conflict of this level among ordinary people, at most, they would be released after being scolded and taught a lesson, and they would not even need to go to jail.

But this time is different. The three parties involved this time are extraordinary, and this treatment is definitely not easy.

From a small scale, it is a small conflict, and from a big scale, it is to humiliate officials and family members, and humiliate the descendants of those who have made meritorious deeds.

However, the face of His Royal Highness the Fourth Prince cannot be ignored.

Master Qin has a headache...

Since the case was explained to him, the prince got up and let everyone disperse.

At this moment, it was already dark.

The prince looked at Zheng Sangge and others gently.

Shao Yunyun cupped his hands and said, "Your Highness, Wei Chen will settle General Zheng and others."

The prince nodded and smiled, and said with satisfaction: "It's so good. Let's talk about it tomorrow!"

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