Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1582: Pretend you don't know

This is obviously to summon Zheng Sangge to talk to him properly, and intend to give him a half-official position.

A glint of displeasure flashed in General Sun's eyes, and just as he was about to speak, Zheng Sangge had already folded his fists and bowed to Shao Yunyun: "Thank you, Lord Shao! I've caused you trouble for Lord Shao!"

"General Zheng is polite!"

"Caomin is no longer talking about generals. If Master Shao doesn't dislike it, just call me Big Brother Zheng."

"Alright, Big Brother Zheng!"

Shao Yunyun nodded and smiled.

General Sun disliked what he deserved, and said with a smile, "Xiao Zheng, you are too funny, how did you come here all these years? Why don't you come to me when you are in trouble? Why do we need to see each other! I thought you had gone back to your hometown, but I didn't expect, alas!"

Zheng Sanger felt a little sarcastic and wanted to laugh. So many of them lived in the slums in the north of the city, and they all had such identities. How could General Sun not know?

Not knowing is just pretending not to know.

I don't like to be an official, I'm not good at slapping horses, I can't see such people and things, so little credit, so little life-saving grace, after so many years, there is nothing left, how can General Sun return? keep in mind?

His beautiful words at the moment are nice, but if he really went to find him, I'm afraid he would be annoyed long ago?

After all the hardships in the world, the current Zheng Sangge is no longer the Zheng Sangge of the past. He was disgusted in his heart, and he concealed it well, and respectfully said to General Sun: "Ashamed of the grass people, these years have been nothing more than messing around, where is there? face to the general."

General Sun laughed and patted him on the shoulder: "You are modest! Forget it, I won't say much tonight, and I will come to my house tomorrow in the diary."

"Yes, General!"

General Sun originally thought that he would refuse, or at least refuse for one or two times before agreeing, but he did not expect to accept it so simply, and was slightly startled.

Haha laughed and left. "Well, then don't forget it!"


The ridicule in Zheng Sanger's heart was a little stronger.

In the blink of an eye, the yamen of Shuntian Mansion was empty, and only Zheng Sangge and Shao Yunyun and Qiao Xuan were left.

Zheng Sangge clasped his fists at Qiao Xuan and bent over: "Thank you Mrs. Shao for today's matter!"

Wu Guan and Liu Changming also quickly clasped their fists and bowed to thank them.

"Yeah, I'm really grateful to Mrs. Shao today!"

"If it wasn't for Mrs. Shao's help, these children today... alas!"

"Indeed!" Zheng Sangge also sighed and greeted several children to come forward to thank him.

Qiao Xuan hurriedly held Qinglian and Qiaoqiao two girls one by one, and asked Liu Fu to wait, smiling: "Don't be like this, Brother Zheng, you are too polite! How can you turn a blind eye to the injustice? I just did what I was supposed to do."

After a pause, she said half-jokingly: "Actually, I also rely on my family's husband to be safe. It may not be that there are no people who can't bear to help, but no one dares."

Zheng Sangge laughed: "In any case, we honor Mrs. Shao and Lord Shao's love."

Shao Yunyun said: "Let's go first, our house is closer to here, why don't we come to our house, simply clean up, eat something, and send you back later?"

Zheng Sangge thought for a while, then nodded and smiled, "That's why I'm bothering Mr. Shao and Mrs. Shao!"

Qiao Xuan was overjoyed and hurriedly smiled: "What's this? We welcome it!"

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