Qiao Xuan's heart was also soft like a ball of water, sweetness filled her heart, she raised her eyes and smiled at him, unable to help but kiss.

"...Did you wait for this child for a long time?" Qiao Xuan asked leisurely, leaning against Shao Yunyun's arms.

"How could it be?" Shao Yunyun laughed, and subconsciously relaxed his movements and embraced her: "We will have children sooner or later."

"Uh—" Qiao Xuan almost casually asked the brain-dead in case she couldn't give birth, and then she thought of how unlucky it is to say this at this moment! The child in the belly is too aggrieved! He quickly changed his mind and said with a smile: "Well, I think so too."

After thinking about it, I added another sentence: "I want both children and children!"

Shao Yunyun smiled, and the bottom of his eyes was softer and thicker: "I think so too, let's work hard."

Qiao Xuan "puchi" smiled, her face slightly red.

Shao Yunyun was worried, and immediately ordered a doctor to come to see the doctor.

The news of Qiao Xuan's pregnancy was also announced.

Everyone was happy for them, congratulations and congratulations.

Shao Yunyun looked happy and full of smiles. He asked Lixia and Liqiu to buy boiled and dyed eggs for everyone to share, and also packed a lot of red envelopes to give away, and everyone was even more beaming.

After seeing the doctor carefully, the doctor also congratulated her with a smile, saying that the child in Mrs. Shao's womb is very healthy, and the mother and child are both healthy and in good condition.

Shao Yunyun didn't quite believe it, and asked again and again, and then ordered Songshi to invite another doctor.

The two doctors saw the same results, and he felt at ease.

Qiao Xuan didn't know whether to laugh or cry and let him toss and toss. After the second doctor also sent him away, she smiled and said to him, "You can feel at ease now?"

Shao Yunyun looked at her with a smile, it is impossible to be at ease, how can you be at ease?

Gotta hurry!

Although the doctor said that as long as you walk slowly, take good care of you on the road, pay attention to rest, and see a doctor regularly, there should be no problems. In this situation, you don't even need to take anti-abortion pills.

However, this is his wife and children after all, no matter how good the doctor said, as long as he thinks that he has to travel, he can't calm down!

As for what his unreliable lady said "just like before", it is even more impossible.

The official wife of another family is pregnant, and who is not serving delicious food and drink, how can there be a lady like his family who is still rushing on the road, thinking about it, I feel worried. I really feel sorry for her!

Thinking of this, Shao Yunyun took care of her more and more carefully and meticulously~www.wuxiaspot.com~ From this day on, the speed of the group's journey has slowed down significantly. It used to take a day's journey, but now it takes two days.

When the road conditions are better, the original two-day journey now takes three days.

Everyone has no objection and thinks it should be so.

Pregnant women are inherently delicate. If something happens, wouldn't they regret it?

Qiao Xuan thought that even at this speed, it would be only seven or eight days later than before, so she could enjoy the special treatment in peace.

Slow travel also has the benefits of slow travel. The scenery is on the road. This is the most beautiful season of the year. Every day, there are different beautiful scenery to enjoy, which is really a beautiful thing.

In mid-March, I finally arrived in Anze Prefecture.

When there were still two days away from Anze Prefecture, everyone stopped to rest. It is planned to break into pieces and enter the city in batches.

Shao Yunyun and Qiao Xuan brought Song Shi, Li Xia, A Ye, etc., as well as Sun Bai, Sun Qian, Song's Xiaoer mother and son, and Liu Fu. Half of the people who bought on the road were counted as one group, and Wu Guan and others led the rest. Another count.

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