After Wu Guan and the others entered the city, they first found an inn to stay, and then contacted them later.

On March 11th, Shao Yunyun led his wife and his subordinates to Anzezhou City by car in the afternoon.

From a distance, I can see the gray city wall that is neither high nor low, surrounded by extreme eyes, all rolling hills and forests, and in late spring, the trees and grasses are lush and deep.

In the surrounding mountains, such a gray city looks more lonely, desolate, and desolate.

I don't know if it was a preconceived relationship, but when everyone looked at the city wall, the loess flying, and the pitted official road, they subconsciously felt a sense of desolation and gloom in their hearts.

Even if the sun is shining, it still makes people subconsciously nervous.

After all, this is a den of bandits and bandits!

The city of Anze is very large, but the population does not seem to be large, and there are only sparse pedestrians and horses on the official road entering and leaving the city gate, which looks very deserted.

In such a deserted environment, Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun's group of six carriages were particularly conspicuous.

Anyone who passed by them could not help but look at them curiously.

When the convoy finally came to the gate of the city, a few soldiers guarding the city also watched intently.

Just as their carriage was about to enter the city, several soldiers moved.


They dragged their rusted long tassel spears loosely forward, swaggering, full of arrogance. It surrounded the most luxurious carriage that Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun were riding.

"Everyone in the car, get down for me!"

Shao Yunyun was too lazy to play with them about hiding their identities and secretly visiting them in private. To deal with these people, if they really wanted to catch their pigtails, it would be meaningless for them to hide their identities and then catch them as a domineering current.

Instead, he lost his authority.

Li Xia lifted the curtain of the car, and Shao Yunyun opened an official document and rushed to them: "This official is a newly appointed Zhizhou, come two people, lead the way, and take this official to the yamen!"


Several soldiers' eyes widened, and they were all dumbfounded.

Sun Bai, who was driving the car, flicked his wrist, and the dark horsewhip snake seemed to whistle in a beautiful and sharp arc in the air. He scolded in a deep voice, "Bold! When you see Lord Zhizhou, you are still rude?"

These soldiers were illiterate, but they were members of the public sect. I had seen the style of the official letter.

Besides, no one is crazy enough to make such a joke in broad daylight.

Naturally, they all knew that the newly appointed Lord Zhizhou would come to take up his post in the near future, but no one thought that the newly appointed Lord Zhizhou would enter the city in such a low-key manner...

Several people were reprimanded by Sun Bai like their hearts stunned, and they hurriedly knelt down: "See your lord!", "I have seen your lord!"

There were only six people, but it was the illusion of being noisy, but it was okay.

Shao Yunyun: "Get up!"

Saying that, he casually pointed to the two people in front: "You two, lead the way. The others go back to stand guard."

"Uh... yes!"

A few soldiers were a little dizzy, leading the way stupidly, and standing guard.

The carriage moved on.

The four standing guard look at me, I look at you, and still feel a little dizzy.

Why does this Lord Zhizhou feel that he is different from other adults?

And, let them go so easily?

"Hey, what are we still doing stupidly? Hurry up and report it!"

"Oh, yes!"

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