Chapter 1807 Go Check

Shao Yunyun looked at Jia Heming: "You will stay in the yamen to recuperate. Tomorrow, let your wife send a servant to take your wife to take care of you. You don't need to ask about the medicine."

He can afford the medical bills.

Jia Heming's heart warmed, he nodded lightly, reluctantly bowed his hands and bowed slightly: "Thank you sir..."

"Have a good rest!"

Shao Yunyun nodded, glanced at him, and turned to leave. Ordered a yamen to watch over here.

Sun Bai immediately arranged for someone to investigate the person responsible for Jia Heming's actions.

The Fan family wouldn't leave a handle on this kind of thing by themselves, and would definitely conceal their identity and face to buy off the rogue. Every local rascal has the same virtue, as long as they are given enough money, there is nothing they dare not do.

Especially this kind of plotting against people and bullying the weak, they like to do it the most.

This kind of person is like a parasite in a city. Almost everyone in the circle knows who they are.

Sun Bai became the head of Anze Prefecture, so he naturally knew all about the dark forces in Anze Prefecture. This type of people is inexhaustible. On weekdays, as long as they steal chickens and dogs, bully the market, and do all kinds of nasty things, no one will report it and no one will care.

But once something happens, as long as you check in their circle, it will be easy to find out.

The best part is that although they are all veggies, they also have their own sites, and each site has a leader. If you want to do this kind of thing on your own site, only the people from this site can take it. Work, you can't overreach on other sites.

Of course, if someone on another site takes over the job, and then transfers the job, you can get a part of it.

The population of Anze Prefecture is not large and the composition is not complicated. In addition, there are several bandit dens on the side. The bandit spirit is particularly strong in the rivers and lakes.

Sun Bai already knew all these things, but the big family like the Fan family might not know how to do it.

Just find the gangster in this movie and ask who's taking the job tonight.

There is no one who is not afraid of people in the public door. It's one thing to turn one eye away and not to care about them on weekdays, but it's another thing if you refuse to cooperate and openly resist...

There is no need for Sun Bai to go out in person in this matter.

He brought two good cronies and sneaked into the Fan family mansion by night...

The Fan family hired two good people from all corners of the world as nursing homes, and on weekdays they would also instruct the young and strong family members to practice three moves and two This is the practice of large families in Anzezhou, after all , With silver, life-saving becomes very important!

People in the rivers and lakes are not cheap to work in nursing homes at home for many years. They have to provide good food, clothing, housing, and transportation, and they have to buy a servant to serve them. In addition, the price for a year is about five hundred taels.

The better the skill, the higher the price.

For example, the Mei family's nursing home is very famous, and the three instructors all earn an annual salary of 1,000 taels of silver.

But their families are different. When logging into the mountains and transporting wood, they have to have strong manpower to prepare for emergencies.

The Fan family was reluctant to give up so much money, and they hired both of them for four hundred taels a year. As you can imagine, the kung fu is not that great.

It was easy for Sun Bai to sneak in.

The two masters of the Fan family don't seem to be able to do such stupid things, either Mrs. Fan or the aunt who got her true inheritance.

Simply and rudely holding the confidants around them and asking them, it won't be too troublesome.

(End of this chapter)

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