Chapter 1808 Arrest

Sooner or later, Shao Yunyun will move the three major families. Since calling here, little by little, Sun Bai and others have already understood the three major families. He also knows the structure of their mansion very well.

Sun Bai didn't make a choice, and went to the yard where Fan Ruyin and his wife lived...

He was lucky enough to catch the confidant Hang Ma, who was beside Fan Ruyin. The old woman was awakened from her sleep by him, with a sharp blade on her neck, and she was almost scared out of her wits. He begged for mercy, and said that this was the idea of ​​the old lady and her own wife. It had nothing to do with her, the old lady. She was only responsible for spreading the word, and the housekeeper arranged things...

Sun Bai got the news he wanted, so he was too lazy to care about her nonsense and knocked people out, so he left again in the dark of night.

The other side of the arrest was also very smooth.

The people from the yamen found the gangsters in this area, and when they talked about the matter, the gangsters quickly responded with a smile, and asked the younger brother to investigate. In less than an hour, the results were obtained.

There were a total of four people who received this ticket tonight. At this moment, even everyone was escorted and shivered.

Not all people on the street are stupid, and in some ways smarter than the average person. Just made that vote tonight, and one person divided eight taels of silver. As a result, the money was not hot in his pocket, and he was brought here. It happened that it was the four of them, not because of this. What?

The four of them were a little remorseful in their hearts, they shouldn't!

On weekdays, it’s just a matter of petty theft and robbing a small vendor of a biscuits and two fruits. Can the officials easily provoke them?

Although he is only a small clerk, touching him is like hitting the yamen in the face. Can the yamen give up?

Sure enough, unlucky...

These four people were so frightened that they didn't dare to lie in front of their boss. As soon as they asked, they did everything, knelt on the ground crying and begging for mercy.

It was no use begging for mercy, the four were taken back to the yamen by the yamen and put directly in the prison.

The next morning, Shao Yunyun went to court for a public interrogation. In fact, it was just a passing scene. Four people were convicted, punished with 30 large boards, fined 22 taels of silver, and imprisoned for half a year.

Jia Heming's daughter-in-law, Mrs. Fang, got the news and ran to the yamen early in the morning to see him take care of him. During the trial, she also crowded into the crowd to watch, and she scolded a few words when she saw it, and she felt a bad breath in her heart.

Fang Shi wiped his eyes, lowered his head and hurriedly left the crowd and went back to the yamen.

Her man was hurt so These **** deserve to die.

Fortunately, both Mrs. Shao and Mrs. Shao are good people. As soon as she came, Mrs. Shao invited her to meet her, gave her a lot of things, and reassured her. She would instruct her servants to arrange medicine and meals, and Mrs. Get justice for her man and never let him suffer in vain.

Mrs. Shao did not break her promise...

The onlookers were all in an uproar, and those with ulterior motives had to be cautious. Master Shao was really protecting the Yamen Master...

Everyone in the major families knew that this must be done by the Fan family, but they didn't expect the government to act so fast! What happened last night, the trial was closed this morning.

It can be seen that this person was arrested overnight last night.

Master Shao slapped the Fan family in the face, but he didn't save them any face!

Many people are also discussing, the Fan family is afraid that it is not crazy, right? How could the old lady of the Fan family be so confused!

The one who can do such a thing is definitely the old lady.

(End of this chapter)

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