Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1814: The guts are fat

Chapter 1813 Courageous

While persuading the mother, the two masters of the Fan family expressly hinted that they would give Guanzhou Cheng a favor, and at the same time asked him to help him both hard and soft...

The Fan family promised Guan Zhou Cheng the benefit of two hundred silver a year, and Guan Zhou Cheng couldn't help but be moved.

To know that his annual salary is less than two hundred taels...

For him, this is a huge foreign asset. Moreover, because he instigated the yamen to make troubles and finally failed, he lost countless money, and his family was less than half!

It's time to run out of money.

The most important thing is that the Fan family is right. He is the prefect of the state. As long as he does it properly, Shao Yunyun will not find out. Even if he finds out, he just prevaricates it, how can Shao Yunyun take him?

Guanzhou Cheng gritted his teeth and agreed.

On the same day, Guanzhou Cheng sent people to negotiate with the Fan family and finally reached an unanimous result. The Fan family honestly dispatched a housekeeper, and Guanzhou Cheng sent people to investigate the fertile fields together. Finally, it was approved that there were 10,000 mu of fertile fields before the Fan family and forgot to record in the official government. .

Guanzhou Cheng reported to Shao Yunyun and made up the ten thousand mu.

Shao Yunyun glanced at it for a while, nodded his head, and ordered Guanzhou Cheng to continue the work.

With the Fan family as an example, the next step will be much easier.

Fan's head is iron, and he is almost shameless. Who can compare with Fan's family?

The Mei family and the Huo family can compare, but they obviously didn't plan to compare at the beginning.

Guanzhou Cheng was very proud, and some people in the prefecture said a lot of things to step on Jia Heming.

have a look! What is the use of Jia Heming?

People who have no ability are like this, things can't be done properly, but they cause a whole lot of trouble, not only suffer themselves, but also implicate the people around them...

Jia Heming, who was recovering from his injuries, was so angry.

Guanzhou Cheng was even more proud.

The Fan family also felt that this result was reluctantly acceptable, but in fact they were still very dissatisfied. After all, in the past, I only paid such a meaningless tax, but now it is better. Even if I hide tens of thousands of acres, I still have to pay 160,000 acres!

This is also a lot of money!

If Master Shao's attitude wasn't so tough, the Fan family wouldn't give up so easily.

Now, in the end, tens of thousands of acres have been concealed, and it can barely be regarded as saving a bit of face.

The Fan family didn't think there was anything wrong with this. The Shao family bit off such a big piece of meat from the Fan family. Can the Fan family have any reservations? Even if he knew, he should open one eye and close the other...

There are many people who know the actual situation of the Fan family, and they are moved when they see that the Fan family can still hide something.

There is something to learn.

After all, who would think that their own money is too much! It's a little bit to keep a little bit, it's not a matter of a year or two, it's a long term...

Guanzhou Cheng also became more courageous~www.wuxiaspot.com~Why don't you want to make money like this?

This is a bad thing, he thinks that he is really proud of it!

This matter is settled, and it is almost the fifteenth of August.

Just in time for the holidays.

Not long after the festival, the autumn harvest will begin.

This year's Mid-Autumn Festival, Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun are no longer two people, it is extremely lively.

An An is the same every day, her eyebrows and eyes are gradually growing, white and tender and cute, especially her beautiful eyes like black grapes, watery and beautiful, can make people's hearts change when they look at people.

He hasn't got the full moon yet, so I can't take him to see the moon, but I can see some guests.

Zheng Sangge, Song Shi, Miao Shi, Qiaoqiao, etc. all came to the prefecture for the festival this day, plus Mianmian, Aye, Sun Bai, Sun Qian, Songshi, Lixia, Liqiu, Caiyun, etc., more than the New Year. lively.

(End of this chapter)

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