Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1815: mid-autumn festival

Chapter 1814 Mid-Autumn Festival

Le Zhengxiao sent someone to bring a boxing gift. Fresh and rare fruits, delicious moon cakes and other sweets were placed in abundance, and the children were especially happy.

Shao Yunyun said that everyone in the yamen worked hard. Regardless of their position, everyone was given 22 taels of silver for the festival, and they ordered two boxes of moon cakes from the dim sum shop in the city. There are also yamen.

Everyone was elated, showing their loyalty and gratitude, "Master Shao is wise!", "Master Shao is really good!", "We have to do things well, and we can't fail Master Shao!" There are hundreds of sentences.

You know, this is something that has never been done before!

Two boxes of mooncakes are not cheap, but produced by Guanchunyuan, the best dim sum shop in the city. A box of six mooncakes is priced at 100 yuan in the market.

And two taels of silver! This is available to everyone, even the most common yamen and chores. You must know that the salary of ordinary yamen servants is only 22 taels a month, and the common servants are only 1 taels.

In the East Courtyard of the State Government, five large round tables were set up that night, just enough for everyone to sit down.

Except for one Buddha jumping over the wall and one roasting whole lamb, all the others were made by Song Shi, Li Xia and others in the large kitchen of the East Court under the guidance of Qiao Xuan.

Steamed mandarin fish, Dongpo meat, potato and chicken nuggets, braised pork ribs, shrimp tofu, stir-fried bean sprouts... Each table was full of 16 dishes, and Qiao Xuan also specially ordered wine to be prepared.

They are all acquaintances. Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun are regarded as the backbone of their own people, and they are also familiar with each other, and soon they are chatting and laughing.

The moon was in the middle of the sky, and everyone knew that the lady was still in the confinement period, so it was difficult to disturb, so they said goodbye one after another, and continued to drink in another place.

An An has a lot of people playing with him during the day, so he must be tired, and he slept very sweetly tonight. Shao Yunyun accompanied Qiao Xuan to sit by the window, watching the full moon like a jade plate that day.

Even though Qiao Xuan looked the same as before, her pale complexion just after giving birth became rosy, her eyes were clear and bright, and she was full of energy. Shao Yunyun still did not allow her to go out.

Confinement can only be honest in the house.

Although Qiao Xuan knew what to do, relying on her supernatural powers to protect her body, she knew that her body had recovered as before, and there was absolutely no need to sit for a full month of confinement. But obviously, no one allowed her to break this traditional rule.

From Shao Yunyun to Song, Li Xia, Li Qiu and others are not allowed~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Qiao Xuan has no choice but to stay in the house honestly.

Tonight is Mid-Autumn Festival, and more than half of the month has passed, it is not bad that Shao Yunyun can accompany her to appreciate the moon through the window.

The moonlight is like a floating light, and the clear splendor is scattered, and the dark sky at night also becomes a little brighter for a while. Looking from the window, the yard is full of flowers, branches and leaves. Branches, branches, flowers and leaves are projected on the ground, which is somewhat black and white. The staggered branches are projected like coral, and the air seems to be set off to be clear and transparent, like the bottom of the water that projects sunlight and is extremely clear.

"Today's Mid-Autumn Festival is really lively! We haven't had such a lively Mid-Autumn Festival for a long time! It will be very lively when the Chinese New Year comes!"

Qiao Xuan snuggled in Shao Yunyun's arms, her cherry lips curled slightly, her eyebrows stretched, and her smile was soft.

"Yeah," Shao Yunyun looked down at his beloved wife, and smiled: "It will be more and more lively in the future, and we will grow up next year! Maybe, next year, we can let both parents come together. holiday."

(End of this chapter)

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