Chapter 1825 Bargaining

The Fan family simply disliked this kind of odds, and even if it was removed, they would still be angry and feel distressed.

You must know that in previous years, they only paid four hundred taels, but this time, it has increased more than ten times!

Mrs. Fan's intention was to ask Guanzhou Cheng to help delay it until the annoying Lord Shao left Anzezhou, and this matter would naturally be over.

Master Shao challenged the mountain bandits. Can those mountain bandits who are short-tempered, arrogant, and kill without blinking an eye bear it?

So, is Master Shao still far from leaving?

Guanzhou Cheng: "..."

Guan Zhoucheng was quite convinced by Mrs. Fan's logic!

The kind of persuasion that almost made me laugh!

Guanzhou Cheng wants to delay, but also depends on Shao Yun's permission.

Shao Yunyun was pressed very urgently. Just as Guan Zhoucheng was about to explain vaguely, Shao Yunyun gave him an ultimatum, and he had to get a result the next day!

Otherwise, he doesn't have to do this errand, and the day after tomorrow he will personally take people to Fan's house.

How many people are staring at the Fan family. If the Fan family does not pay taxes, how can it be successful to collect other families? Others say "bullying the soft and fearing the hard", wouldn't his image, the acquaintance of the state, be greatly damaged? The majesty that had been built up with great difficulty would collapse immediately.

For him, this was absolutely unacceptable.

Guan Zhoucheng was stunned in his heart, he knew that Shao Yunyun was absolutely capable of speaking and acting. How dare he let Shao Yunyun contact the Fan family?

He has a ghost in his heart, what if the Fan family concealed the 40,000 mu of fertile land and did not report it and was involved?

Guanzhou Cheng had to bite the bullet and agree, and went to Fan's house again the next day.

Mrs. Fan naturally refused, and couldn't help but despise Guan Zhoucheng in her heart. No wonder that the prefect of Anze Prefecture, even if he changes like a revolving lantern, still can't take the top position of his prefecture, it really is useless!

Then Master Shao pinched him in a few words.

Old Mrs. Fan insisted that Guan Zhou Cheng follow through on the trick of dragging words to the end. Originally, she didn't want to pay any attention to him at all, but she was dizzy when he talked and begged for trouble, and reluctantly agreed to give five hundred taels first. The rest will be given in stages, and we will have to wait for the Fan family to sell all the food before giving it. Now the Fan family is in a hurry, and the cash is not available for a while...

Guanzhou Cheng was also a little angry.

His dignified lord of the state has become so low-key that this old woman only gave me five hundred taels!

In previous years, he would be happy.

But now, what Master Shao wants is 7,000 taels, how can he make a deal? ?

Is this Master Shao so fooled?

People like the Fan family, who would believe it when they said they were tight on money?

If you want to take 70,000 taels or 700,000 taels at once, it would be unreasonable to say that money is tight, 7,000 taels... Are you embarrassed?

For ordinary people, this is a huge sum of money, but this is the Fan family!

Guan Zhou Cheng had to hold back his anger and continue grinding. Mrs. Fan was so annoyed with him that she said angrily that she would give him two hundred taels at most, no more! He is a state prime minister after all, can't he do something as simple as procrastinating? Then he's been a state prime minister for so many years, it's a waste of time...

He digs his heart and lungs, and his posture can't wait to be low in the dust, only to exchange the two hundred taels to send the beggars, Guanzhou Cheng almost didn't get over it in one breath.

He knew that Mrs. Fan's temperament was impossible to give again, so he had to return to the yamen with seven hundred taels of silver.

Procrastinate, don't procrastinate!

(End of this chapter)

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