Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1827: The two masters of the Fan family were dumbfounded

Chapter 1826 The two masters of the Fan family are dumbfounded

Guanzhou Cheng originally thought that it would be a day after a day, but he deliberately delayed his return until the next hour, so he just went home. If he has anything to do tomorrow, who knows that he has just entered the prefectural government office, and Qingyan is waiting for him with a smile on his face. , brought him directly to Shao Yunyun.

Guan Zhoucheng's procrastination tactics didn't have time to display in front of Shao Yunyun. When Shao Yunyun asked Yinzi not to come back, he stopped listening and returned to the East Courtyard.

Guanzhou Cheng was eager to break in to explain, and asked Ah Ye to stop him with a dark face.

This time, he was also angry, he simply turned his head and went home, leaving it alone for the time being! He really didn't believe it, Shao Yunyun went to the Fan family when he fell in love, but he had to see how he could treat the Fan family.

What Guanzhou Cheng never expected was that Shao Yunyun not only ordered the two masters of the Fan family to be forcibly brought to the yamen for questioning the next day.

Not only about taxes, but also about the things that the Fan family concealed and did not report when they checked their fields.

The Fan family concealed 40,000 mu of fertile land and did not report it when they checked the fields. Shao Yunyun had already secretly sent someone to investigate it clearly, and he was waiting for a good time to attack.

The evidence is conclusive——this kind of thing, it is very easy to verify the original. After all, the 40,000 acres of fertile land can't be covered.

The two masters of the Fan family were dumbfounded!

When Guan Zhoucheng was brought over, he faced exactly this situation.

Shao Yunyun sneered: "Guanzhou Cheng, what else do you have to say?"

In order to clarify the responsibility, whoever measures and checks the fields and acres who sign and confirm, the Fan family's signature is the Guanzhou Cheng.

Now it has become solid evidence.

"I—Sir Shao, Shao... I was negligent!" Guan Zhoucheng quickly reacted in panic, that is, honestly admitting his mistake, "I was careless and didn't find out at the time, please forgive me!"

Absolutely cannot admit that he colluded with the Fan family, absolutely not!

"Really?" Shao Yunyun put the data that he had re-checked and the data handled by Guanzhou Cheng clearly in front of him, and said coldly: "Then what you are wrong is really outrageous, not only when Cha Fan's family was involved. It's wrong, the Lu family, Feng family, Liang family, Zhao family are all wrong, Guan Zhoucheng, it seems that your ability to handle affairs is really bad, this official is very puzzled, how on earth did you become Shangzhou Cheng!"

Guan Zhou Cheng felt a chill in his heart, and glanced at Shao Yunyun in shock and anger.

He was calculated by Shao Yunyun!

At the beginning of the inventory, he was uneasy~www.wuxiaspot.com~ waiting for Shao Yunyun to find fault, but Shao Yunyun just looked at the results he made and didn't have any objection, which made him relieved and thought he had passed the test, so he dared to Getting bigger and bigger, other people find him convenient, and he will not refuse anyone who comes...

He thought that this Master Shao couldn't be so idle, and he would think about it later to check on it. As long as he didn't ask at the time, he would have passed the border safely.

But I never imagined that this is a pit!

One, two, or even three times of negligence can barely be said to be negligent, but this is the case in more than a dozen families, and it is definitely not explained by negligence.

Even if it is forcibly said to be negligent, it is not a trivial matter to be negligent to this extent!

Guanzhou Cheng was drenched in cold sweat, unable to speak.

"Virtue doesn't match, then let virtuous."

"grown ups!"

"What? What else do you have to say?"

(End of this chapter)

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