Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1828: can't stand

Chapter 1827 Can't stand it

At this point, Guan Zhou Cheng simply broke the jar and sneered angrily: "This matter must be a trap set by the adults, right? The adults have long disliked me and did not want me to be this governor!"

Shao Yun sneered lightly: "Do you think you are worthy of being the governor of the state? What have you done since this officer took office, do you need the officer to explain one by one? How much do you worry about this official?"

There is no sharing of worries, only confusion and making things difficult.

Guan Zhoucheng would not admit it, "My lord, this is a rhetoric! Nonsense!"

"Ha! Guan Zhoucheng, isn't it bad for this official to give you some dignity? It hasn't been a long time since you did these things. If this official wants to conduct a thorough investigation, do you think you can withstand the investigation?"

Guan Zhou Cheng's head "Om!" almost lost his strength.

Of course I can't stand it.

Shao Yunyun's eyes were cold, but he didn't see any trace of his usual gentleness: "Hand in the official uniform of the state prime minister, you will be fined 500 taels of silver, and you will be demoted to clerk immediately. For the sake of working hard for many years, otherwise, depending on what you have done, you will be punished more than that! Are you convinced?"

"If you're not convinced, you don't have to do this clerk!"

Guanzhou Cheng's eyes turned black.

Looking at Shao Yunyun's dark and cold eyes, the distraught Guan Zhoucheng understood that he had no chance of winning against him at all.

Today's scene, I think this Zhizhou adult has been expecting it for a long time, right?

In the end, he underestimated him, blamed him for underestimating the enemy, planted him once or twice before he recovered, and was finally deceived by him and quietly set up the situation, and ended up in such a situation...

However, it's still early. not over...

Minjiazhai, Hutouzhai, and Liuhebao will definitely take action. Does he think that if he can take care of the good people of Anze Prefecture, he can take care of those brigands? Heh, he waited to see him fall flat...

Then, make a comeback!

Therefore, he will never leave the state government.

Scribe... Then let's be a scribe!

"Xiaguan, thank you for your grace! It's because Xiaguan made mistakes first. Your Excellency can keep Xiaguan, and Xiaguan is already grateful..."

Guan Zhou Cheng, who finally realized his enlightenment, suppressed his anger and surrendered to Shao Yun.

There was no turbulence on Shao Yun's face, and he didn't say anything more about it, and he didn't reprimand Guan Zhou Cheng, he just said: "You know, go on, from today, Jia Heming is the Zhou Cheng. You are good with him. Make the handover, and you can no longer live in the back office, this official will give you three days~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After three days, your family will move out."

Guan Zhoucheng's qi and blood rushed to his forehead. He was ashamed, hated and annoyed. He swallowed his anger and answered "yes".

So bullying!

Just wait, when the gangsters from Minjiazhai and Hutouzhai come to kill him, he will take a good look at how the surnamed Shao rolls off the stage!

The shame of today will be reported in the future...

After dismissing Guan Zhoucheng, Shao Yunyun seemed to remember the two masters of the Fan family.

He turned his head slowly and looked at them.

The two masters of the Fan family froze, standing there like needles on their backs, at a loss. The panic and fear in my heart are indescribable.

Can you be afraid?

This Master Shao is ruthless, turning his face and not recognizing anyone. Guanzhou Cheng said that he would punish him, and even the Zhou Chengwei said that he would be slapped. So can he show mercy to them and the Fan family?

(End of this chapter)

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