Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1829: Can't get out of this state gate

Chapter 1828 Can't get out of the gate of this state

Seeing Shao Yunyun sweating and his heart beating in a panic, Mr. Fan quickly said, "The Caomin is guilty! The Caomin will pay the tax immediately. Also, the tax on the 40,000 mu of fertile land that was neglected before, is also made up. Come on, please, Lord Haihan!"

Master Fan Er also hurriedly expressed his position: "Yes, I beg Master Shao to open up, I will never dare to do it next time!"

Although they knew that their mother would definitely have opinions and make trouble, but at this stage, they couldn't care about anything else.

Master Shao's posture, they don't give money, can it be done...

If you don't give money, you won't be able to get out of the gate of this state!

The arm can't twist the thigh, what can they do? They are also desperate!

"Heh!" No, Master Shao didn't see them wisely admit their mistakes, take the initiative to pay, and his face eased, as they imagined, and the matter was over, but he smiled coldly, looked at them coldly and said, "You guys are good-natured, just see. Guan Zhoucheng couldn't hide it anymore and was undeniable, so he simply admitted it. Then, what if Guan Zhoucheng didn't expose it? Would you admit it?"

"So, do you think this is over?"

"Could it be that in your opinion, this official is very easy to fool? Let you advance and retreat as you wish?"

The two masters of the Fan family were drenched in cold sweat.

When they are not found out, of course they cannot take the initiative to admit it. After being found out, they have already admitted it, and Lord Shao still refuses to let them go... This Lord Zhizhou is really not easy to mess with...

Shao Yun said coldly: "No matter what the reason is, this official only recognizes the result. If you hide it and don't report it, you will despise the court and ignore this official. If you don't punish it severely, what is the majesty of the court? Where is the prestige of this official? How can you discipline the people on this side!"

"The tax is made up, and the fine is one thousand taels of silver. Are you convinced?"

The two masters of the Fan family shivered...


It hurts! It hurts to death, okay?

Master Fan Er tried to bargain: "My lord, this matter, this matter is Guan Zhoucheng's dereliction of duty, yes, he didn't check it out, Cao Min and the others were greedy and they were wrong, so they didn't remind him, but, but Cao Min and others did not take the initiative to disobey the orders of the adults. Is this, a thousand taels a bit too much..."

"That's right, Caomin and others are wrong, but it can't be wrong!"

One thousand taels! If their mother found out, it would definitely be another ups and downs. They felt a headache just thinking about it, like a conditioned reflex.

Where does Shao Yunyun pay attention to them? He said coldly: "This official has no room for bargaining here. You have written this matter clearly. I will send someone to the Fan's house, bring the money, and let you go."

The two masters of the Fan family were shocked: "Sir!"

"Take them off!"

"But your lord—"

"I haven't seen Yinzi~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This official can't let you go, you don't need to say more!"

Shao Yunyun said with a sneer, "Otherwise, I will let you go, and come back to Tai Chi with this official to procrastinate?"

The two masters of the Fan family were speechless, so they had to bow their heads and were taken out.

The letter was written quickly, and the total amount of money, including the fines, was 9,110 taels.

The brothers smiled wryly at each other.

Nine thousand one hundred taels, can mother give it so happily?

The letter was quickly delivered to Fan's house.

Guanzhou Cheng was demoted and fined because of his collusion with the Fan family to help cover up the field, and the Fan family was also ordered to pay the fine. The news also spread from the yamen and quickly spread throughout the city.

(End of this chapter)

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