Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1837: Recruitment documents

Chapter 1836 Recruiting Documents

All the bandits in the mountains ridiculed Mr. Zhizhou for being nerdy, pedantic, absurd, and ignorant. Could it be that these people just climbed the mountain this year? While they were staying on this mountain, the Zhizhou lord was probably still writing at night and studying hard at night!

As a result, he actually said such things to them, it was difficult for him, and he wrote such a full piece of paper.

They can't wait to go down the mountain immediately and give the ignorant Master Zhizhou a hard lesson, so that he knows what he can say and what he can't say.

What kind of **** "calling for security", they all felt that it was an insult to themselves when they heard it!

If they hadn't known that he had a few good catchers and followers, and if they hadn't known that they understood the bottom line of the court, they would never have easily entered Anze Prefecture City, let alone entered the prefecture to make trouble, they would have really gone there. .

A group of people gathered together, and inevitably made fun of the so-called recruiting official document.

"Sir Shao, are you crazy!"

"Those sour Confucians are such virtuous, stupid nerds!"

"Oh, he is so confident! I want to see his unlucky state now!"

"This time, we not only ask for food, but also give him a lesson, so that he doesn't know how high the sky is."


The bandits in the mountains finally reached an agreement that they would unite to vote, only to succeed and not to fail, and slapped that pedantic Zhizhou adult with practical actions!

It happened that they had already inquired about the news that the next batch of food would be transported from Liangshan Town back to Anze Prefecture in three days. Liangshan Town is located in the north of Anze Prefecture, a hundred miles away from the prefecture, and on the way it passes through a giant rock that is more than ten miles long. The canyon is deep and long, with cliffs flying on both sides, and the mountains are steep. It is just that this giant rock gorge is only more than 30 miles away from Liuhe Fort. They can gather at Liuhe Fort first and make arrangements.

It is also convenient to go to Liuhebao by then.

The head of Cao Er in Hutouzhai said coldly, "I'll lead the team, and I'm going to cut off the heads of those headhunters!"

His injury finally healed after half a year of recuperation. What a shame for him! It made him feel inexplicably unable to raise his head in front of his brothers.

Now, of course, he has to take revenge and go back. Only with a humiliation, can he straighten his back again.

More importantly, he really hates it. Although it seems that his body has completely recovered, but only he knows that the foundation is still damaged.

The strength of the shot and the flexibility of the body are significantly worse than before, and when I really move my hands, the durability is not as good as before.

It was just a moment of negligence, and the result was such a serious consequence, how could he not be angry?

The fourth master of Minjiazhai said with a smile: "I have no problem with Cao Erge leading the team~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But don't be in a hurry to behead the leaders, I want to capture them alive. Bring them back to the cottage and let Cao Er Brother is out of anger."

Cao Er's family looked at him with some disapproval.

The second head of Min laughed and said: "Our fourth child has taken a fancy to that horse, and wants to force that Mr. Shao to replace the horse when he arrives! Second brother Cao, please fulfill our fourth child!"

The first and third masters of Minjiazhai were both surnamed Min, and the second and fourth masters also changed their surnames to Min. The four masters were all Min masters.

The second head of Cao frowned reluctantly: "Substitution? I can't let them leave alive!"

??Ask for monthly ticket support, little fairies?(°?‵?′??)



(End of this chapter)

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