Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1838: discussing looting

Chapter 1837 Discussing the robbery

The second head of Min didn't care: "If someone catches you, you can do whatever you want, as long as the Master Shao thinks they are still alive and is willing to send the BMW!"

Everyone understood what he meant, looked at each other and laughed. The leader of Cao Er also laughed and said viciously: "Okay, then catch him alive. When the person is in my hands, I want him to regret coming into this world!"

They are all bandits, and it is normal for them to go back on their word with the government and not talk about it. What if you get a BMW and don't let anyone go?

If you have the ability, that Master Shao went up the mountain to reason with them!

The fourth head of Min smiled and said: "That horse is really good, I'll say it first, this is what I like first, then none of you are allowed to be jealous!"

Cao Er's head sneered lightly: "I only need to let out this breath!"

The others were a little moved, but since the fourth head of Min had said so, it was not easy to say anything else, so he just smiled.

When the bandits in the mountains were discussing how to rob food, Shao Yunyun and Wei San and Wei Wu sent by Zheng Sangge, Sun Bai, Sun Qian, Wu Guan, Meng Wanfu and others also spread out the terrain of Anze Prefecture. Figures are negotiating.

Zheng Sangge and others have rich experience in marching and combat, so it is easy for them to infer how such a few Yeluzishan bandits will plan.

Master Shao's Zhao'an official document is arrogant and has a somewhat high-level posture, a posture that treats those gangsters as vulnerable people, which will definitely arouse those gangsters' suffocation and rage.

They are savage and unruly, used to be kings and hegemons, how could they be able to hold back their breath? How could it be possible not to give Master Shao a lesson and not show Master Shao's face?

In addition, the next trip to transport food back from Liangshan Town will pass through the rocky canyon with steep terrain and the easiest to loot. There is no reason for them to miss such a good opportunity.

Even if they knew that the government would definitely take strict precautions, they would still do it.

Because they don't know the real strength of the government at all. Even if Hutouzhai was defeated before, they would only think that they were underestimated and negligent and caught by the government by surprise.

This time, they were careful and carefully arranged, how could the government be their opponent!

Shao Yunyun glanced at everyone and said solemnly: "Those mountain bandits don't know what our strength is~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But in the same way, we may not really understand their details, so this time, everyone Be sure to be fully prepared and remember not to take it lightly!”

"This time, you don't have to be merciful anymore. Everyone who can shoot will be shot and killed, and the bandit leader will try his best to catch them alive."

"Yes, my lord!"

The state government has loosened the outside and tightened the inside, and mobilized the deployment. With Jia Heming as the prefect of the state to share, Shao Yunyun is also a lot easier.

At least, he doesn't have to be so troublesome when making arrangements and be on guard.

Guanzhou Prime Minister - Guan Shuli was angry, saying that he had never come to the yamen because of his illness, and was recuperating at home. In this regard, Shao Yunyun only felt that he was in the middle of his arms, and wished him more recuperation.

And just a few days after Guan Shuli's family moved out of the backyard of the state government office, the Fan family suddenly posted a message to Qiao Xuan, asking Mrs.

Mrs. Jia was a little embarrassed. At this time, she didn't really want to go out to be a guest, and it seemed a little too high-profile, especially when she went to the Fan family, who was not at ease.

(End of this chapter)

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