Chapter 1843 Provoking Discord

Mrs. Guan's words to Qiao Xuan had already made her head dizzy with anger. After hearing this, she was not convinced, and she smiled coldly: "What kind of hooligan behavior? Mrs. Shao's words are too much!"

"Not at all. Think about it, you keep saying that you are dissatisfied with your own dissatisfaction, and ask where you are dissatisfied? You won't say it! What's wrong with people?"

Mrs. Guan was smoking, looked at Qiao Xuan, and then looked at Mrs. Jia, she suddenly got up and became angry: "Okay, I can see it! Mrs. Shao is helping Mrs. Jia to make things difficult for me, right? Oh, why did Mrs. Shao get into trouble like this? Isn't it enough for us to practice! Since I can't see me like this, I'll just leave, so as not to hinder Madam Shao's eyes!"

"Farewell to Mrs. Guan!" Fan Ruyin hurriedly held Mrs. Guan back. When others saw this, it was not good to make a fuss like this.

Fan Ruyin grabbed Mrs. Guan and still sat down, smiling: "Mrs. Guan, Mrs. Shao definitely doesn't mean that, Mrs. Guan, you must be thinking too much! Calm down! But, to be fair, Mrs. Shao is now Take good care of Mrs. Jia! I have never seen Mrs. Shao like this before, so... hehe!"

I've never seen you take care of Madam Guan so much before, and I can't blame Madam Guan for being angry.

But it's not easy to say this clearly, but if you say it clearly, it seems to be deliberately exposing Mrs. Guan's scars. After all, she used to be Mrs. Zhou, but now she is not.

Everyone secretly exchanged glances, and they were all speechless. Mrs. Bo is going too far. Mrs. Shao is Mrs. Zhizhou anyway. Her words are not equal to sowing discord in person...

How is Mrs. Shao's face going?

In fact, Mrs. Shao's face was pretty decent.

Mrs. Shao didn't take it according to common sense at all, but she sighed with a sincere smile: "In the past, I was not familiar with Mrs. Jia, and I couldn't take care of her even if I wanted to!"

Madam Jia couldn't help laughing, and said quickly: "Yes, I am satisfied now that Madam Shao can take care of me! Madam Shao has just come to Anze Prefecture before, so naturally I don't know him."

Everyone: "..."

Don't say that Mrs. Guan is annoyed and angered, Fan Ruyin also made these words irritating enough!

What did she mean by that? This Mrs. Shao is clearly pretending to be confused!

At this time, Mrs. Fan, who had been called by Mrs. Fan to speak, came back and invited everyone to take a seat with a smile. Afterwards, she admired the chrysanthemum and listened to the play, and Fan Ruyin smiled.

His eyes were cold.

Mrs. Guan glared at Mrs. Jia for many times.

During the banquet, Fan Ruyin deliberately arranged Mrs. Guan at Qiao Xuan and Mrs. Jia's table.

Mrs. Guan didn't know what to actually sat down happily, and deliberately sat beside Mrs. Jia.

Madam Jia was slightly stiff, and quickly glanced at Qiao Xuan, feeling a little settled...

Mrs. Guan had a panoramic view of all her little actions, and she didn't know how many words "flattering!", "despicable villain!", "flattering shameless!" and so on.

What if she secretly mocked her even if she became the lady of the state? This kind of flattery and flattery is just like a dog by Mrs. Shao's side!

At the start of the banquet, Qiao Xuan looked at Madam Guan with a half-smiling smile and said, "Mrs. Guan should ask the maid by her side to be more careful when preparing the dishes, don't accidentally get Mrs. Jia on her body! It's not very pleasant to say that Madam Guan is narrow-minded and deliberately revengeful!"

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(End of this chapter)

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