Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1845: half-joking debunked

Chapter 1844 Half-joke exposed

Mrs. Guan really wanted to do this! Even if it's a little more obvious, so what? How dare Mrs Jia?

Unexpectedly, Qiao Xuan pointed it out like this half-jokingly. If she did this again, it would be a bit too cheap and too—shameless.

Although she felt that it was nothing to be shameless against people like Qiao Xuan and Mrs. Jia, she didn't want so many people to watch.

"What did Mrs. Shao say? I don't understand!" With a surprised expression, Mrs. Guan smiled softly: "My maid is always smart, she's not that fussy, and Mrs. Shao is wrong! "

Qiao Xuan smiled: "Well, that's fine!"

Fan Ruyin looked sour for Madam Guan, "Mrs. Shao is too caring and caring for Madam Jia, the state prime minister! I didn't know that Mrs. Shao took care of the state prime minister like this before!"

As the former state prime minister, Mrs. Guan almost vomited a mouthful of old blood!

Qiao Xuan smiled lightly and half-jokingly said: "Well, you don't know, there are many!"

As soon as Fan Ruyin choked, she knew that this person has always been so annoying!

The Fan family deserves to be one of the three major families. The various dishes at the banquet are very rich and exquisite, and there are two or three dishes that are amazing and full of praise.

It's just that Mrs. Guan, who was holding her breath in her heart, didn't have the heart to taste the food at all.

Mrs. Guan looked at Mrs. Jia who was beside her, and it was not pleasing to the eye. I always felt that Mrs. Jia had an air of arrogance and had never seen the world. She felt that every time she served a dish, her eyes lit up, as if she had never eaten it before. It was a shame! But Mrs. Shao looked after her like that, she was really blind...

She could not wait to put the soup bowl in her hand on her body, but because of what Qiao Xuan said before, she gritted her teeth and did not dare.

After a long banquet, everyone sat in the flower hall and drank tea for a while, then walked around the garden to digest food and enjoy flowers.

Qiao Xuan was surrounded by many ladies, chatting and laughing. Mrs. Jia was forcibly taken by Mrs. Guan to a secluded place sheltered by flowers and trees to speak.

Grasping her hands, she endured and endured, and Mrs. Guan resisted not slapping Mrs. Jia in the face, but just pushed her and sneered.

Seeing Mrs. Jia's terrified eyes and dodging eyes, Mrs. Guan is even more contemptuous and jealous~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The contempt is that such a person has stepped on her head now!

What she is jealous is that Mrs. Shao is flamboyant and self-willed, and she has never even looked at her with a straight face. Maintenance, how does this not make people angry.

Mrs. Guan sneered at Mrs. Jia, who was dodging in panic, "I really didn't expect that, but you were able to climb up Gao Zhi'er and become frivolous! Oh, I didn't know that I was looking at the honest Mrs. Jia before. There is also such a villain's triumphant side! Or how to know the person and the face but not the heart! Why are you crazy in front of me? In the past, it was just a dog in front of me!"

"How long do you think you can be frivolous? Our master is an example. I want to see how capable Shu Li is!"

No matter how temperamental Mrs. Jia lost her temper, she couldn't help but humiliate her so unscrupulously. She couldn't help but grit her teeth: "Mrs. Guan, you are polite, don't go too far."

"So what!" Mrs. Guan became even more annoyed!

(End of this chapter)

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