Chapter 1857 Do not step back

Fan Ruyin screamed: "Don't scare people here! What's your intention to scare her again when your mother is good!"

"What is your intention?" Madam Fan sneered: "Who can compare to you? You have done this kind of thing a lot over the years! I don't want to talk about the past, but today's events must be To be clear! And in the future, there must always be a rule here!"

Fan Ruyin turned her head abruptly, and the weak and aggrieved looked at Mrs. Fan.

"It's the other way around!"

"Mother, don't get angry!" Master Fan quickly persuaded her: "Mother, you might as well talk about things first, and then how to deal with what we should do, can you see? You must not get angry anymore!"

Master Fan Er also advised: "Yes, mother, if you faint again, you will suffer too!"

Old Madam Fan was really afraid of what would happen to her body, she glared at the two of them when she heard the words, and suppressed her anger, "Okay, everyone, say it! I want to hear what you have to say! When my mother-in-law is partial and doesn't tell you to talk!"

Madam Fan thought to herself, you can be honest and upright! Eccentric not eccentric, don't you know it yourself?

Mrs. Fan explained today's events one by one.

Fan Ruyin didn't expect that her mother would really let her speak, but she actually gave in, and she was so angry that she would interrupt and refute after a few sentences. It was useless to tell Madam Fan to shut up.

How could Fan Ruyin listen to her? Even Master Fan didn't listen.

The old lady Fan did not say a word with a cold face, and did not mean to stop Fan Ruyin at all.

Stumbling and stumbling, as if arguing with Fan Ruyin, Mrs. Fan finally finished the matter and was exhausted.

"Mrs. Shao left today in a rage, and now in An Zezhou, Mr. Shao has won the hearts of the people, who is not convinced? It's not like we haven't seen Mr. Shao's methods! The arm can't twist the thigh, even if we are not convinced, it won't help! "

"Auntie makes such a fuss, no one is a fool, and you can't see that Auntie did it on purpose? How Mrs. Shao will retaliate, I really can't say!"

"People are officials and we are people. If we really fight, can our Fan family be able to fight against Master Shao! Auntie is too impulsive today! I asked her to clean up and come to the door to apologize. What's wrong?"

"She personally went to to be sincere!"

Fan Ruyin sneered: "Sister-in-law, this is just a few words to scare people? What she said is really ridiculous! Our Fan family is good, and we have never violated the laws of Daqin. If you want to find fault, Master Zhizhou has to be careful! What's the matter with me? I am What's wrong with me saying something fair to Madam Guan, who thinks that Madam Guan is not lying? Isn't Madam Shao the same as Madam Jia?"

"Oh! She can talk, but I can't? This is too domineering! She is careful and can't listen to different opinions. It's her small measure, so how could it be my fault? Sister-in-law, your elbow is turned out. It's too obvious!"

"Don't forget that we are a family! Don't forget that the surnamed Shao has just humiliated our family! If you flatter yourself like this, people may not like it!"

"I'm afraid I'll even despise ridicule in my heart! I'm looking down on you more and more!"

Madam Fan: "..."

Mrs. Fan was angry and anxious. She never expected that this little sister-in-law in her family was so difficult to deal with, and she was so plausible that she turned black and white. Instead, she became the one who betrayed the Fan family, and she was the real good for the Fan family!

(End of this chapter)

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