Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1859: The girl is confused, the mother is also confused

Chapter 1858 The girl is confused, and the mother is also confused

Master Fan and the others were also very speechless.

The two masters of the Fan family actually had no complaints about their previous house arrest and detention in Zhizhou Yamen. Even if there is a complaint, there is no reason to go. Who said that was discovered by Master Shao?

Although the fine of a thousand taels of silver is painful, I dare not say anything more!

It's really not right for my sister to provoke Mrs. Shao like that today...

Why bother?

The Fan family has so much grain to sell, and they are still busy. If the government finds faults every three days and delays things, the food is piled up in the warehouse, and it is lost every day, and the Fan family can't afford it.

Master Fan couldn't help but also blamed Fan Ruyin, feeling that she was a bit temperamental, and nothing would have happened. Annoying Mrs. Shao, what can be good...

Master Fan Er also agreed.

Mrs. Fan secretly applauded, and logically agreed with her husband's opinion.

Fan Ruyin was so angry that she began to complain again, accusing them of disgusting her, wanting to drive her away, etc.

The brothers, sisters, aunts, and sisters couldn't help arguing.

Mrs. Fan was angry when she heard it. She didn't care much about right or wrong, but if the two daughters-in-law dared to resist herself today, they had to teach them a lesson!

Also, what's so great about Mrs. Shao? What Ruyin said was right, should she be allowed to help and not allow others to speak justice?

Besides, today's banquet was meant to be a block for her.

Let her know that the Fan family is not easy to mess with!

Master Shao has no place to ask the Fan family, does the Fan family have a place to ask him? If you want to practice Fan's family, there is no way!

Mrs. Fan scolded her son and daughter-in-law, and stood on Fan Ruyin's side. Not only did she not blame her, but she comforted her. Instead, she reprimanded Mrs. Fan for making a fuss and asked her what was her intention.

Madam Fan almost made her **** off!

The hearts of the two eldest masters are also cold, I didn't expect the girl to be confused, and the mother to be confused too...

Don't you understand the simple truth that your arms can't twist your thighs?

Mrs. Fan said something that made them all vigilant, that is, if Fan Ruyin is allowed to continue like this, she will become more and more fearless in the future.

So sooner or later, the Fan family will be miserable by her!

So tacit understanding, this time no one gave in.

Now that Mrs. Fan has already started, and the stalemate has reached this point, there is no need to make any further concessions. It is better to fight her arrogance in one go, so as not to regret it in the future.

Deep down, the two brothers have long been dissatisfied with this sister. For so many years, the mother has suppressed it strongly, and there is no doubt that she is in charge. This sister has been playing tricks again and again~www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It is a person who has endured to a certain extent and will not be able to bear it.

Since the tears are all torn open today, there is no reason to retreat after only one opening.

The attitude of the two of them was firm and persistent, and Mrs. Fan was shocked at first, but after several rounds, she was helpless.

If she continued to protect her daughter blindly, her sons would be alienated from her. This is what Mrs. Fan does not want to see.

She kept her face calm and didn't say a word, she just didn't make a sound.

Originally, Fan Ruyin only used her power to bully others and rhetoric. She was not an opponent at all when it came to the truth.

No matter how she insisted that she was helping to "speak fairness" and that Qiao Xuan was careful, it would not change the fact that she had offended Mrs. Zhizhou severely and the Fan family was very likely to cause trouble.

This mess must be dealt with, and no one is obliged to stand up for her for her own troubles.

In short, this time, Mrs. Fan and Mrs. Fan Er quit.

(End of this chapter)

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