Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1860: This must be Master Shao's counterattack

Chapter 1859 This must be Master Shao's counterattack

Of course, Fan Ruyin couldn't admit her guilt and apologize, so she started crying again that her brother and sister-in-law were mean and unsympathetic, making it clear that she didn't treat her as a family, but was deliberately bullying her...

It was a mess.

In the end, everyone was annoyed, and the matter was over, and everyone was dissatisfied.

Mr. Fan and Mr. Fan Er have no face to ask their wives to make amends for their younger sister, and there is no reason for any of them.

They were frozen here. Who would have guessed that this matter would spread. The next day, scoundrels would come to the Fan family's rice shop, silk and satin shop, restaurants and other seven or eight shops to make trouble, making it impossible to do business.

The shopkeeper's clerk was a good talker, but he was mad at the other party's progress, arrogant, and had a bad temper, which angered the other party, and when he started a conflict, he was beaten quite badly.

The shopkeeper's furious reporter said that someone from the yamen had come, but it was slow.

As soon as the official came, the troublesome rogues and ruffians dispersed in a hurry. The official did not arrest anyone at all, but questioned the shopkeeper with a serious face.

Most of the shopkeepers of the Fan family are full of self-confidence and pride, and their temperament is naturally not very good.

As a result, the officials were furious and scolded them, "Too crazy! Arrogant and lawless!" It can be seen that the Fan family is just as arrogant! Since they are so good at it, why don't they just wear this public uniform for them? Does the yamen do whatever they want?

Where did the shopkeepers and guys go through this kind of thing? Frightened dumbfounded, I remembered that today's Zhizhou-sama is not the former Zhizhou-sama, and today's yamen is not the old yamen!

One by one, they hurriedly apologized and apologized, and they were reprimanded in a stern manner, warning them to do business in a business-like manner, not to be so domineering, not to be so arrogant and domineering.

To be so domineering and arrogant to the official, can you imagine what kind of face he is to ordinary guests? What happened to the Fan family? Even if it is the shop of the Fan family, the rules that should be followed must be followed! This Anzezhou City is not the final decision of the Fan family...

These words were spoken in front of a large audience, and countless people onlookers heard them.

The guy was dumbfounded and a little frightened. He didn't understand what was going on with these officials in the Tangtang Fan family's shop. Why don't you give face...

But the shopkeeper understood, and became uneasy: Does it need to be said? The master must have offended Lord Zhizhou! This is not a good sign...

The shopkeeper suddenly became shorter by three points. He nodded and bowed his head. He finally sent these gentlemen away. He didn't dare to look at the eyes and whispers of the onlookers~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Explain that the guys are optimistic about the store, I hurriedly went to Fan's house to report the letter...

I still don't know what happened, whether it's important or not, there must be a bottom line and a countermeasure...

There are several shopkeepers with the same idea, so it is a bit embarrassing for everyone to meet together at the main house.

When they talked about the matter, everyone became uneasy.

Master Fan and Second Master Fan felt heavy in their hearts.

This must be Master Shao's counterattack.

Mrs. Shao was bullied and humiliated, and Master Shao didn't give them time to react to the Fan family, so they started...

Otherwise, it wouldn't be so coincidental, those rascals made trouble in the neat Shangfan's shop today.

Those hooligans rely on the government's favor to eat, and a catcher casually hints at a few words, how dare they not listen?

(End of this chapter)

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