Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1865: Fan family, it's true that you're exhausted

Chapter 1864 The Fan family is indeed exhausted

Mrs. Fan ignored her again, returned to the mansion, and ordered her confidant servants to take her back to her yard to guard her and not allow her to go out.

Fan Ruyin wanted to go to her own mother to complain, but she couldn't bear it anymore: "Why do you put me under house arrest! Don't think I don't know what you're thinking! You poisonous woman!"

Mrs. Fan sneered: "Just because I am the eldest daughter-in-law of the Fan family and the mistress of the house! If I let you and don't care about you, you will have a face, otherwise, why would you yell in front of me? ?"

"Poison woman? Oh, you are so blatantly insulting your sister-in-law? You are really uneducated!"


"Take her down and take good care of her! If you don't take care of her, it's useless for me to keep you guys!"

All the servants were startled and panicked. How can you still show mercy to Fan Ruyin now? Everyone can understand that no matter how powerful the aunt is, she is also the aunt. The eldest lady is the rightful mistress of the Fan family...

Mrs. Fan went to look for Mr. Fan with a sullen face.

Hearing what she said, Master Fan was also very annoyed. I don't know if I should regret letting Fan Ruyin apologize.

She is no longer ordinary willful, she is simply stupid and stupid!

Mrs. Shao is not her own family, can they give her face?

Lixia, Liqiu and others in the Houya East Courtyard of the prefectural government were so angry that they scolded them one after another.

Qiao Xuan smiled, "It seems that the Fan family is indeed exhausted!"

Fan Ruyin's temperament, she did not know how many people she had offended over the years, and she just waited to see people fall into trouble.

A big family like the Fan family is located in such a special place in Anzezhou. If it is said that it has always been upright and law-abiding, and has never done anything to oppress the good people or be domineering, it is impossible. It is not a good family in the first place. Shang Fan Ruyin was like this, no matter if it was her or Shao Yunyun to pick them up, there would be no guilt at all.

The chicken that kills the chicken to warn the monkeys, their Fan family is set!

Mrs. Guan can be regarded as a noisy person, and she is more interesting than Fan Ruyin. No, Madam Guan didn't even dare to come and make trouble when she returned from the Fan family's banquet.

Mrs. Guan didn't dare to come, she really didn't dare.

Neither Qiao Xuan nor Shao Yunyun would be able to help her, but she and Mrs. Jia disagreed. Without evidence, she couldn't make a difference.

To put it bluntly, this is a muddled lawsuit! Can't play! It all depends on who the superior favors.

Mrs. Guan could only pinched her nose to recognize it. She was both angry and distressed~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The bracelet of four hundred taels of silver was dropped by her in a fit of anger! She threw it herself!

In the end, he lost his wife and lost his army, but nothing happened except for a humiliation and a sigh of anger.

She didn't even dare to tell her master about it, and if she did, she would be scolded again.

She is only looking forward to two things now. First, the Fan family will be more powerful, but the gangsters on the mountain will be more powerful. If the surnamed Shao is removed from power, then Mrs. Shao will be nothing, let alone Mrs. Jia. !

Then Mrs. Jia and his wife are also stupid. How many years can the surnamed Shao be a prefecture here? Sooner or later you have to go! Unless they can go with the surnamed Shao, after the surnamed Shao leaves, is there still a place for them in Anze Prefecture?

I didn't give myself a little way back!

What Qiao Xuan did not expect was that the next day, Fan Ruyin came to apologize again.

This time, she was much more embarrassed, and knelt down at the gate of the Houya.

(End of this chapter)

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