Chapter 1865 Sincerity

Although the gate of the Houya is a clean place where idlers avoid approaching, she knelt down like this, and soon attracted many people watching the lively from afar, pointing and talking in a low voice.

Fan Ruyin's face turned red and white, and she felt even more hatred in her heart.

She doesn't want this either, her brother is too ruthless...

Qiao Xuan was very surprised when she got the report, so she was called in.

"This is rare! I didn't expect Mrs. Bai to be so sincere!"

Whether there is sincerity or not can be seen by looking at the expression.

Sincerity cannot be changed in vain, how can a person like Fan Ruyin change his mind so easily? Not sure how her family persecuted her.

Mrs. Fan and the others are pretty good too...

Hearing this, Fan Ruyin's ears were full of ridicule, and it was the frivolous face of the victor's villain.

A burst of blood rushed to her forehead, and she almost screamed at Qiao Xuan. Thinking of her brother's cold expression and cold words, Fan Ruyin's anger was suppressed again.

"...It was mine before, isn't it, I owe Mrs. Shao an apology! This time, I am sincere to apologize to Mrs. Shao, please forgive Mrs. Shao..."

Qiao Xuan looked at her, smiled "sneeringly" for a moment, and said lightly: "I can still tell if I'm sincere or not. However, today Mrs. Bai didn't show me a face, and it's barely sincere! Knowing your mistakes can improve a lot, Madam Bo must be cautious in her words and deeds, and obey the law! Otherwise, if you make another mistake, you will have to bear the consequences!"

Qiao Xuan did not shout, Fan Ruyin still knelt on the ground, listening to Qiao Xuan teach herself, she felt a great humiliation.

Her hands were tightly clasped, her head bowed and she did not speak, she should acquiesce.


Qiao Xuan smiled: "Okay, get up, go back. This matter is over! Take your gift away, I don't care about it."

Fan Ruyin got up without saying a word, turned and left.

Li Qiu sent her out, glanced at her coldly and said, "Our wife can be considered generous and tolerant, if you change it to someone else, Mrs. Bo can't pass the test so easily today! Who is Mrs. Bo showing this cold face to! Disgusting!"

Fan Ruyin glared at Li Qiu.

Even if she bears with Qiao Xuan, why should she bear with a lowly servant girl?

Li Qiu sneered: "What are you staring at me for? Could it be that I'm wrong? Our wife should see your true This is it!"

Fan Ruyin said angrily, "You're a slave, you're talking about me! The Shao family really is a good tutor and a good family!"

"Farewell to Mrs. Bai, what qualifications are there for an unrighteous person to teach others? Mrs. Bo is rude to our wife, and we are servants. How can we say? How is the Shao family's style of teaching, Mrs. Bo is really not qualified to comment? The last time Mrs. Bo came to apologize, Mrs. Bo can't remember what she looked like, but we can remember it clearly! It's not like Mrs. Bo is so good at tutoring!"

Fan Ruyin was so angry: "Okay, okay! I've seen it today!"

Fan Ruyin rushed out of the Zhizhou Yamen angrily, still holding her face coldly on the way, returned to Fan's house, returned to her own yard, entered the room and kicked out all the servants, threw herself on the bed and cried.

She hates!

The elder brother was indifferent and ruthless, and the two sisters-in-law had disliked her for so many years when she didn't know it! The most hateful thing is this Mrs. Shao, who made it clear that she was deliberately humiliating her, but her brother and sister-in-law forced her to come to accept the humiliation...

(End of this chapter)

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