Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1867: Fight in the Rock Canyon

Chapter 1866 Fighting in the Giant Rock Gorge

Anzezhou is not where they should come. Since they are here, since there are so many things, why don't they just leave...

Fan Ruyin cried and hated again and again, crying uncontrollably, and her hatred grew stronger.

A sternness gradually appeared in her eyes, she clenched her palm tightly, her sharp nails almost pierced her palm, and she didn't notice it.

Fan Ruyin counted her private money box and took out a thousand taels of silver notes from it. After thinking about it, he took out five hundred taels and two thumb-cap-sized rubies that had not yet been set.

She raised the corners of her lips and sneered. With this money, buying a life is enough, right? Moreover, the Master Shao had already put on a stance that he was incompatible with the bandits, and the few on the mountain would definitely not let him go.

She wants Shao Yunyun and Qiao Xuan to die, at least one...

Fan Ruyin's banknotes were quickly delivered to the hands of several heads of Hutouzhai.

The reason why Hutouzhai was chosen was because everyone in Anze Prefecture knew that the second master of Hutouzhai suffered a big loss from the catchers under Shao Zhizhou!

After sending the things out, Mammy went back to Hutouzhai and accepted it happily and agreed to her request, which made Fan Ruyin feel happier.

Fan Ruyin was doing small tricks behind the scenes, and the grains collected in Liangshan Town had formed a long grain transport team, led by Sun Bai and Sun Qian to **** them, and sent them from Liangshan Town to the city of Anze Prefecture.

Sanzhai is gearing up and ready to go...

In the Giant Rock Gorge, that fight was extremely tragic.

I thought it was a target, but it was actually a bait; I thought I was a mantis, but I didn't want a oriole behind me...

In order to ensure the success of the robbery, the three villages of Minjiazhai, Liuhebao, and Hutouzhai were united, so as to teach the ignorant Zhizhou Lord a hard lesson, destroy his confidence and prestige, and make the official document he sent thorough. It turned into a joke at the bottom. The number of people dispatched by Sanzhai this time is not only powerful but also numerous, reaching hundreds!

Hundreds of elite and powerful mountain bandits, even if Shao Yunyun has three or five good catchers, so what?

They know the skills of the yamen in Anze Prefecture. They are all soft-footed crabs~www.wuxiaspot.com~ As long as the heads brought by Shao Yunyun are taken down, or simply killed, the others Naturally self-defeating...

But they never expected that what awaited them in the Giant Rock Gorge was not the slaying of the Quartet and the revenge, but the gate of **** that would send them to hell!

This fight was a nightmare that Sanzhai could never get rid of! Their strength suffered a formidable setback and blow in this battle!

They never imagined that they were so careful, so cautious, and so well-arranged - at least, in their opinion.

They didn't take it lightly, didn't look down on the strength of the other party, instead they warned themselves to use all their strength to fight the rabbit, but they still ended up in a disastrous defeat!

The yamen officers were much stronger than before. After the brief chaos, they immediately united in groups of three or five. They were effective and defensive, taking care of each other and resisting their offensive.

And those masters who they don't know much about are even more powerful than them! During the fight, they were completely suppressed to the death.

(End of this chapter)

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