Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1892: cross-examination

Remember [New] for a second,! Tonight came the eldest master of Hutouzhai and the second master of Minjiazhai. The day before yesterday, Min Si went back and insisted that he still take the old man to kidnap Mrs. Shao. His self-esteem was so arrogant that everyone could not resist, so he had to let him.

I thought he would be vigilant enough, even if something happened, he should always be able to get out...

Unexpectedly, none of the dozen of them went back yesterday!

Everyone couldn't believe that it would be so unlucky, and today they waited for another day full of expectations, but still no one could wait for them to go back.

No need to ask now, there must be something good that the dog official did!

Everyone yelled on the mountain, and the tables and chairs were smashed a few times.

That night, why didn't you just come to find Fan Ruyin?

Fan Ruyin hurriedly said: "I have taken her to Qingsong Temple as you requested, but no one of you has ever appeared. You can't blame me! I, I have done it—"

"Shut up!" The head of Hutouzhai scolded impatiently: "You honestly said that everything happened in Qingsong Temple that day, remember, it is everything!"

Fan Ruyin had to swallow her stomach full of grievances and justify, and began to talk about what happened the day before yesterday.

The two of them gradually tightened their brows as they heard it. The expressions on their faces were obviously both dissatisfied and ugly. With many impatient little movements, it was obvious that Yi Jian was patiently listening to her continue.

Patiently and continued to listen, Fan Ruyin was still chattering about how to play Qingsong Temple. The head of Hutouzhai finally couldn't bear it anymore and thumped the table: "Enough! Mother-in-law, say something useful!"

Fan Ruyin was stunned, she didn't know where she was wrong.

But she didn't dare to refute with anger, so she could only swallow her anger and continue speaking.

She really regrets, regrets and fears, what kind of existence she has provoked...

Under the scolding of the two, Fan Ruyin finally finished the story.

The two were even more dissatisfied!

"That's it?"

"Just, just this..."

"Bastard!" The head of Hutouzhai scolded fiercely: "Are you a stupid pig! Our people never showed up, and you didn't expect an accident? Damn it! How would they know about the dog officer? How would they know? ! Did you do something!"

"No, I didn't! How dare I!" Fan Ruyin shrank into a ball in fright, trembling desperately.

She was really afraid of these people.

Seeing that this person was angry ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ immediately felt a burning pain in his face.

The second head of the Min family village persuaded him: "Don't get angry with the head of Qing, I don't think this stupid woman has the courage."

Fan Ruyin bit her lip and lowered her head in embarrassment, thinking to herself that you keep calling me a stupid woman, but you are not doing much better, otherwise, why would you be caught again and again...

"Bastard!" The head of Hutouzhai gritted his teeth and glared at Fan Ruyin, wanting to beat her up.

But now the more important thing is to save people.

As for this stupid woman, if it wasn't for her stupidity, she wouldn't have harmed the brothers. The debt will be recovered from her in the future...

"You think of another way to invite the lady dog ​​out of the city."


Fan Ruyin grimaced: "I'm afraid, I'm afraid it won't be easy... After inviting her out of the city so many times, she, she should be suspicious!"

The second head of Minjiazhai gave her a disdainful glance, thinking that this stupid woman is smart for a while, but Boss Qing cares and is confused.

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