Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1893: Mrs. Laguan joins

Remember [New] for a second,! Why does this raise suspicion? I was suspicious before! Isn't what happened at Qingsong Temple enough to explain everything?

Oh, the lady of the dog official is also very courageous, and she dares to go to the trap even if she knows that there are traps... Or, her position in the dog official's heart is nothing more than that.

The second head of Min said, "Go to the former Guanzhou Cheng's wife and try to pull her into the water!"

Fan Ruyin was taken aback.

The second head of Min sneered: "You don't want to? If you don't want to, then you can quickly find a way to invite the dog's wife out of the city!"

"I'm willing, I'm willing!" Fan Ruyin really didn't want to deal with Qiao Xuan at all, she hurriedly said without hesitation, "Mrs. Guan hates the couple, she will definitely be happy to help."

The second head of Min is noncommittal, whether she is willing or not, and I am afraid that she will not be able to help her at that time.

"You go to her tomorrow."

"it is good……"

"Remember, you must go! You must persuade her, otherwise, hum!"

The second head of Min sneered and pulled away the dark-faced head of Hutouzhai.

Fan Ruyin's body was weak and leaned against the head of the bed, clutching her chest and gasping for breath.

The more regretful, the more resentful, the more I want to see Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun unlucky immediately. The two of them are not unlucky, and they are sorry for the crimes she has suffered for a while.

Every day is like a year, and she is about to collapse...

Another sleepless night.

The next day, Fan Ruyin woke up, her eyes were dark blue, her mind was also groggy, and her whole body was lethargic.

How can she let people see her so honorable? The hair is combed in blue, the golden hairpins are shining brightly, and the brightly colored silk flowers show a good mood.

The face is smeared with a thick layer of powder.

Taking a photo of myself, I felt that I looked good, so I gave up.

Mrs. Guan was full of resentment from the beginning, and she wished Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun were unlucky more than anyone else. Fan Ruyin's process of coaxing her was unexpectedly smooth.

Now that the government has officially launched a war against the mountain bandits, although the first battle was won, Mrs. Guan and even the clerk did not believe that the government had such strength.

In the words of Shuli Guan, "How much is the government capable of? If you can deceive others, you can't deceive me!"

Both of them thought that the result was an exaggeration by the government~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It was Shao Yunyun who was so happy that he deliberately put gold on his face, deceived the people, and calmed people's hearts. Just wait and see, and soon he will be unlucky.

Those three cottages couldn't even be wiped out by people sent by the imperial court. After so many years, their strength was even worse. How long has Shao Yunyun been here? What kind of thing is he? How could it possibly have won the mountain bandits?

She was certain that Shao Yunyun would collapse, Fan Ruyin made another rhetoric, and the old and new hatred was provoked. Mrs. Guan agreed to conspire with Fan Ruyin without any hesitation, and spent money to buy the bandits to act as soon as possible.

She couldn't get the silver, and Fan Ruyin happily said that the money would be paid first, and when Shao Yunyun collapsed, the clerk Guan would definitely come forward, and maybe he could become a Zhizhou.

At that time, Mrs. Guan would return it to her.

However, this account still needs to be calculated clearly. Wouldn't it be good to be clear by then?

Fan Ruyin took out the document and asked Mrs. Guan to sign it.

She smiled and flattered Mrs. Guan while urging. Mrs. Guan was overjoyed. She didn't know how to read, and she didn't think that Fan Ruyin was so rich that she would cheat on her. handprints...

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