Remember [New] for a second,! Fan Ruyin couldn't help but look at Madam Guan's eyes with a bit more kindness and kindness, and her smile deepened - she is finally not fighting alone, she finally has an alliance and someone to share...

The next day, when Fan Ruyin asked Mrs. Guan to meet in a different courtyard in the city, she saw the second head of Minjiazhai and the head of Hutouzhai, and when she learned of their identities and listened to their arrogant instructions about what to do, she was completely dumbfounded. !

Madam Guan was very angry and refused at first.

She spent money, they should do things for her, why should her husband be the inner responder? How could her husband have a hand in such a thing? This is very taboo!

In case it is exposed one day, not only will her husband end his career, but the family may even have to search the house and be exiled!

Moreover, in front of Fan Ruyin, it means that she knows everything. Isn't it because the boss has a handle in her hand?

At this time... Mrs. Guan knew what the thing that she signed and put on her handprint yesterday was like a thunderbolt...

She angrily scolded Fan Ruyin, "You, you actually cheated me!"

Fan Ruyin smiled and said, "Why is this tricking you? It's obviously helping you! Mrs. Guan, our goal is the same. Don't you expect Qiao Xuan and Shao Yun to die?"

Mrs. Guan was speechless.

That's right, but it's not what Fan Ruyin said at all.

She still wanted to argue again, but the head of Hutouzhai became impatient: "Stop talking! Where are the black and white words there, believe it or not, it will be sent to the dog official?"

Mrs. Guan was dizzy...

Mrs. Guan came home with weak legs and feet, trembling and told the clerk Guan, who was also stunned, shocked and angry, and scolded her a few words. After thinking about it, I can only comfort myself, this is also an opportunity, that's all, just do it...

He didn't tell anyone. In fact, he had already been eager to try and cooperate with the bandits. His wife's work just prompted him to finally make up his mind.

So that night, the head of Hutouzhai and the second head of Min quietly sneaked into Guan Shuli's house.

The clerk Guan was calm and composed, and entertained them in the small study.

After a few words, the two sides found that they had such a tacit understanding with each other.

It's no wonder that Guan Shuli used to have contact with the mountain when he was the governor of the state.

Now the situation is forced or there is a reason for the need for cooperation, so it is natural for everyone to get together.

Although the feeling of being coerced was not good, clerk Guan could only convince himself that this was also because Shao Yunyun had forced too much, and these people on the mountain had no choice but to make this decision.

It's not unacceptable when you think about it...

The two sides quickly reached a cooperation, and the head of Hutouzhai and others helped him kill Shao Yunyun, causing the illusion of Shao Yunyun's accidental death. This would save a lot of trouble and give an explanation to the court!

And he will find out as soon as possible where the few people who were caught by Shao Yunyun are locked up? When the head of the Hutouzhai family sent someone to rob the prison, he had to provide convenience and help...

As for Qiao Xuan, the lady of the state, the head of Hutouzhai and others can't take care of her for the time being. As long as Shao Yunyun is dead, she will be even less important.

This woman is so evil! They tried to hold her hostage again and again, but there were accidents. They felt a little nervous in their hearts, and they didn't plan to take her any more for the time being. Besides, there might be someone secretly following her beside her.

------off topic-----

See you tomorrow o(n_n)o~

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