Remember [New] for a second,! Right now, they don't have time to grind with her, and they must quickly rescue the brothers who were taken away by the government, otherwise they will always be in a passive situation.

After all, it doesn't matter how cruel and inhumane, shameless, despicable and despicable they are externally, but internally and to their brothers, they must be loyal and share the blessings and the misfortunes. The government is tough, and if the government vents its anger against those leaders, it means that they have killed those leaders, and in the eyes of other brothers, it will chill their hearts, and the hearts of the whole cottage will be dissipated.

Most people will have other thoughts.

At that time, I am afraid that without the government doing anything, they will be finished by themselves!

Just inquiring about the news, and then cooperating with them as convenient, Guan Shuli felt that he could still do it.

Although he is only a small clerk now, after all he has been a state prime minister for so many years, there are always a few who are truly his own, and who have grasped the shortcomings of some people, or some people owe him favors, this time is just right. use it.

With almost no effort, the clerk Guan inquired about the specific places where those people were being held, and even contacted them to get them ready, and someone from the mountain would soon be sent to rescue them.

Hutouzhai's eldest master, Min's 2nd master, etc. got the news, and made an appointment with Guanzhou Cheng two days later, at the third watch, someone from the cottage will come to rob the prison, let him make arrangements, and then set a few fires in the prefecture, ahead of schedule. Drunk the jailer...

Guanzhou Cheng agreed.

That night, the huge prefecture was in chaos.

Three villages have come, there are fifty or sixty people.

The prefectural government's government was on fire, and they immediately savagely stormed the backyard of the government from all directions. Instead of running to the prison that the clerk Guan had arranged for them, they went straight to the east courtyard where Shao Yunyun and Qiao Xuan lived.

They couldn't trust Guan clerk at all.

In other words, they couldn't believe Guan Shuli, since Fan Ruyin and the Fan family would be secretly spied on by the government, so that their actions failed again and again, then why would Shu Li Guan, who has always been displeased by Shao Yunyun, not be supervised by the government? What about spying?

They have been fooled once, and it would be too stupid to be fooled the same time again!

During the special period, Zheng Sanger and others all lived in the prefecture, including the dozens of people sent from Meng Wanfu. Since they have been officially exposed to others, there is no need to break them into pieces and hide them. They all live in the same place. In the prefecture, the first is to protect the safety of the prefecture, and the second is to prevent prison robbery.

Therefore, although the opponent's offensive is swift and violent, Zheng Sanger and others are experienced, and Wu Guan and Wei San, who are patrolling the night, will resist the first wave of attack. When they are about to fall, Sun Bai, Aye, Wei Wu, etc. have already led the crowd to kill. arrive.

Hang Xingshan dispatched and commanded all the servants to put out fires everywhere, while Sun Qian led a group of people to ambush inside and outside the prison, either openly or secretly, to prevent anyone from robbing the prison.

In the bedroom of the main room of the East Courtyard, Shao Yunyun accompanied Qiao Xuan, Qiao Xuan hugged An An, and the maids and ladies stood silently by the side.

The firelight swayed outside, the light and shadow were messy, and the sound of swords striking each other was incessant.

Although the atmosphere in the room was a little tense, it was far from panicking.

In Qiao Xuan's arms, An An even slept very sweetly, with a quiet and cute little face.

After more than an hour, the movement outside gradually became less and less, until it disappeared...

------off topic-----

Dear fairies, ask for tickets

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