Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1896: raid, aftermath

Remember [New] for a second,! Sun Bai entered the room and reported through the bedroom door curtain, "Sir, the thieves have retreated, and my subordinates have sent people to chase them out, but I don't know if there are still people lurking in the prefecture, and the adults and madam don't have to go out for the time being. I have searched every inch, and there is nothing abnormal."

"My subordinates will deal with the aftermath. In the East Court, Yu A will also lead people to patrol the guards. Please rest assured, adults and madams!"

Shao Yunyun said: "Go ahead and arrange, send people to patrol the city, and warn the people in the city to be vigilant and not to go out. Strengthen the guards at the city gate, open the city gate after dawn, and strictly inspect the city when entering and leaving the city. Immediately detain. There are not enough people to go to the local security guards and the chief armor of the neighborhood, and let them bring the local people who are trustworthy to help patrol and inspect the city gate..."

Sun Bai was stunned for a moment, then smiled happily: "Sir, this is a wonderful idea, now I don't have to worry about the shortage of manpower!"

Naturally, it is impossible for anyone to come in casually in the prefecture, but it is possible to prevent reliable people from patrolling and guarding the city gates.

Just send two yamen to lead the command.

Sun Baizi went to make arrangements, Shao Yunyun ordered Li Xia and the others to go and rest, and handed An An to the nurse, hugging Qiao Xuan and smiling: "It's okay, the lady has stayed up for a long time, so let's take a rest. Unity Close your eyes and get a good night's sleep."

Qiao Xuan smiled and said yes, and lay down with him to rest.

The yamen in the yard were briskly doing the aftermath.

There was also a fire in the east courtyard. Although it has been put out, it is a mess that needs to be cleaned up.

After the fierce fight, it was even more devastated, and many corpses and swords of mountain bandits were left behind. The ground was splattered with blood, and everything was messy.

In the entire prefecture, the East Court suffered the most serious damage. There are other places too, but to a lesser extent.

In the prison, there was no movement at all, and no one was there at all.

There were only a dozen or so bandits who escaped. From time to time, some people came back to report, or captured or killed the escaped target, but some were lost and were still being searched around.

Sun Bai gathered all kinds of news and kept making various orders, and the whole prefecture stayed awake all night.

What no one knows is that after Sun Bai basically controlled the situation here, he and A also stayed in the town, and Sun Qian, Zheng Sanger, Wu Guan, Hang Xingshan, Yang Mu, Wei San, Wei Wu, etc. There were a total of about 120 people in the lower and yamen, riding in carriages in batches, and the carriages quietly left the city at night.

After more than 20 miles out of the city, everyone got off the car one after another, entered the mountains in three ways, and quietly moved towards the direction of Hutouzhai.

People in Sanzhai would never have imagined that Shao Yunyun would dare to send someone to attack the shanzhai just after being raided in the prefecture and not yet completely settled!

This one caught off guard will definitely make them pay a terrible price...

The sky is getting brighter, and it has spread throughout the city. It is said that some bandits from the mountains have infiltrated. They attacked the prefecture last night. People are on the run, and the government is doing all they can to search and arrest them.

Mountain bandits are ferocious and cunning, and there is no bottom line in what they do. Please protect yourself. Don't go out if you have nothing to do, don't leave alone, don't go to unpopular places. Once you find suspicious people appearing, don't be alarmed and report to them quietly. Patrol.

There is a reward for reporting, 12 taels of silver.

When the people heard this, they were all in high spirits!

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