Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1897: Can't get out of town

Remember [New] for a second,! For mountain bandits, people are naturally afraid, but mountain bandits are so vulnerable, they have been killed by the government, and now they have become a street rat who dare not show their faces, and there is the temptation of ten taels of silver. From time to time, you can see the temporary patrol team in the neighborhood led by the yamen to patrol, and the people don't feel so scary.

The temptation of ten taels of silver is even greater.

So, in less than half a day, in the chasing, besieging and intercepting by the government and the common people with almost no dead ends, three more bandits were arrested! Two of them were reported by the people!

The news spread all over the city immediately, and the people were more invigorated and encouraged: It seems that these mountain bandits are not scary at all, they are also human, and that's all!

People all over the city have opened their eyes to look for bandits. Young people with courage even join gangs to patrol the streets and deliberately walk to the remote alleys to try their luck...

Ten taels of silver...

This result was unexpected by Shao Yunyun, so that everyone in the yamen was a little ridiculous.

At this time, the head of Hutouzhai, the second head of Min, and two other backbones of the cottage were hiding in Fan Ruyin's bedroom.

Fan Ruyin shrank in the corner and shivered. The four of them were more or less wounded. A long knife mark was drawn on the face of the head of Hutouzhai, and the blood was terrifying. The other person was stabbed with a big wound on his arm. It was bandaged indiscriminately and bloodstained.

The other two couldn't see where the injuries were, but their clothes were also stained with blood.

The **** smell in the room and the incense smell in the incense burner on the table could not be suppressed, and the atmosphere in the room was even more terrifyingly low.

The shivering Fan Ruyin was not just trembling at the moment. She had been slapped twice on the face and kicked on her body, but she didn't dare to walk, let alone scream in pain.

She knew that she had been outraged.

She knew that if these people didn't have something to do by themselves, they would definitely beat herself up even worse.

If she only regretted a little before, now she regrets it completely!

She did a stupid thing with a tiger, and she can't get away anymore.

Two days have passed, and the search in the city is still very strict. They don't even dare to leave the Fan Mansion.

According to Shao Yunyun's search method, once they leave Fan's house, they are afraid that they will be found if they can't get out of the two alleys~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Although they are sure that Fan Ruyin will never betray them, but they can't get out, they still let them go. They were restless and restless.

They don't know yet that Hutouzhai is completely over.

Hang Xingshan accidentally discovered a remote trail leading to the back mountain of Hutouzhai. Although the road is not easy to walk, and some sections are quite dangerous, this kind of danger can be overcome for them.

So, a group of about 30 people spent a day climbing up the mountain behind Hutouzhai at dusk.

The sentry in Houshan found them, and before they could raise the alarm, they were shot by Hang Xingshan and others.

Hang Xingshan and his party sneaked into Hutouzhai from the back mountain and quietly ambush.

At the third watch, they entered quietly and set off a fire.

Another person took advantage of the chaos to change into the clothes of the killed mountain bandits, mixed in with the bandits and went straight to the front mountain gate and opened the gate of the village.

Sun Qian and the others, who were in ambush several miles away, immediately set off when they saw the fire soaring to the sky. They solved the outposts they encountered on the road. They went all the way to Hutouzhai. .

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