Remember [New] for a second,! The strength of Hutouzhai has already been greatly damaged. At this moment, the three leaders and the two junior leaders are not there. In the previous two fights, the backbone of the junior leaders has lost sixty-seven tenths. In addition, the government suddenly launched a surprise attack, and they panicked at first. Confused and confused, it was impossible to organize a strong resistance.

Soon, people scattered and fled.

Nothing is more important than life!

As soon as this head is opened, it is like a flood that opens its gates and rushes thousands of miles. The general trend is difficult to return!

When the sky was getting brighter, the battle was almost over.

And those mountain bandits who fled away, not everyone can leave safely. Zheng Sanger, Wei San and others led 30 people to hide in various places around Hutouzhai, like opening a big net, waiting for the escaped bandits to throw themselves into the net...

Zheng Sanger and Wei San sighed that there were still too few manpower, otherwise, there would be no fish that slipped through the net!

The servants and family members of mountain bandits who screamed and cried and fled in panic were driven by the officials to gather together, tied with ropes into a long string, and guarded for the time being. Destroy them all, take away all the materials that should be taken away, and **** these people down the mountain by the way. After returning to the city, they will be interrogated by Master Shao and dealt with separately.

Hutouzhai has been in business for many years, and it is not so easy to destroy it.

But this is also a helpless move. The yamen has limited manpower, and it is impossible to keep people here to occupy it - too many people are not enough, too few are useless, in case Minjiazhai and Liuhebao counterattack, they are simply powerless to resist.

Therefore, it can only be destroyed.

At this time, the benefits of the army will be shown. If the army comes, you don't need to consider the number of people at all, just take down the place and just occupy it.

Not as tight as they are.

I also worry about whether Liuhebao and Minjiazhai will kill them immediately after the bandits who escaped and left to report their news. Although this possibility is relatively small, it has to be guarded against.

Therefore, the destruction, burning and search cannot be carried out very thoroughly.

But the important places are not left behind.

For example, the gates of the front mountain and the back mountain were all destroyed, the sentry tower was destroyed, the three fortresses that were most easily defended and difficult to attack were destroyed, and the main hall, kitchen, warehouse, and accommodation area were all burned...

They worked together with 20 or 30 prisoners. They were busy for a long time. Seeing that they couldn't stay any longer, they hurriedly escorted everyone from the cottage down the mountain and returned to the city overnight.

Zheng Sangge, Wei San, and others did not keep their lives alive, and all the fish that escaped from the cottage were killed. These people, who made a fortune, fished the common people, took advantage of people, and treated human life like a mustard for many years, no hand is clean. Yes, there is more to die for.

They never showed up, and spread secretly all the way, ambushing near Sun Qian and the other team escorting the prisoners, and inquiring about news, just in case.

When this group of people stumbled all the way to the outside of Anze Prefecture, it was already around four in the morning. The star was hanging brightly and low in front, and the eastern sky was a pale bluish white with fish belly white.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Along the way, nothing happened.

It is impossible for so many people to be escorted back to the yamen. This is a huge team of six or seven hundred people.

They divided the people into two teams, and escorted dozens of gangsters whose identities had been confirmed to the yamen, while the rest were sent to the large courtyard where Zheng Sanger and the others lived for temporary detention.

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