Remember [New] for a second,! When Qiao Xuan happily changed into a light riding outfit, Shao Yunyun was enlightened.

In the future, he will never think about rejecting his wife's request. After all, her request must be satisfied in the end.

However, he could bargain a little more. After all, bargaining has a great chance of unexpected benefits...

The end result is that everyone is happy, his wife is happy, and so is he!

Although An An is healthy and lively, Qiao Xuan is very willing to take him to play in the garden on weekdays, but it is still too young, and in such a season, it is very shady in the mountains, and people who can blow when the mountain wind suddenly bursts violently cannot. Breathing, naturally can't take him up the mountain.

After watching her son who had not woken up for a while, she told her nanny, Cai Yun and Cai Ming to take care of her, and Qiao Xuan and Shao Yun led a group of people out of the city.

Everyone disguised themselves and rode in carriages.

It is convenient to walk when you reach a place where a carriage cannot go.

They went to Liuhebao. Liuhebao is not too close to Anzezhou City. They set off when it was just dawn. They drove lightly, accelerated all the way, and got off after more than two hours.

After getting off the bus, we walked for more than an hour and a half, until after noon, we arrived at Liuhe Fort.

Among the three villages, Liuhe Fort is the closest to Anze Prefecture.

The other two are farther and farther away.

At this time, Liuhebao is undergoing various demolition, and it is in full swing and busy.

When everyone saw Master Shao, they quickly stopped their work and came forward to greet him. Shao Yunyun waved his hand to keep them busy.

Qiao Xuan was really interested, she didn't feel tired at all, she drank two sips of water that Shao Yunyun handed over, and smiled and pulled his sleeves and said, "Master Xiang, please accompany me around, this place is very spacious and flat! "

Shao Yunyun smiled helplessly, "The lady is so interested, then let's go!"

After so many years of development, Liuhebao occupies a very wide area, layer by layer, and a large area of ​​flat land. It is impossible for the mountain bandits to go down the mountain to grab a green vegetable, so they also opened up a vegetable garden for the boss. There is a valley at the foot of the front mountain, and there is a wide stream down the back mountain. If you look closely in the distance, you can also see a waterfall like Bailian.

From a distance, surrounded by mountains, green mountains and green waters, the scenery is beautiful and refreshing.

What interests Qiao Xuan most is that there are mountains and waters here, the terrain on the mountain is steep, it is a single peak-like terrain, and there are large flat valleys at the foot of the mountain.

It will definitely be a good place to open up!

Although the traffic is a bit inconvenient, but the road is just fine!

In fact, it is not that far from the villages The main reason is that the mountain road is too difficult to walk, so it will take a long time. If the road is repaired, it will naturally not be so time-consuming.

Qiao Xuan had an idea in her heart, and she became more and more concerned. She paid attention to observe the surrounding environment.

Under this investigation, I am more satisfied.

Because they had to go back to the city that day, they couldn't stay here for too long. Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun only stayed for more than two quarters, and Shao Yunyun urged them to leave.

Back to the village outside the mountain, the village got on the carriage, and then went back to the city.

Shao Yunyun took the person into his arms, kissed him and asked with a smile, "Are you tired?"

Qiao Xuan shook her head, the corners of her lips raised slightly: "The scenery is excellent, I like it here!"

Shao Yunyun laughed, "Now that the territory is settled down, how about I accompany you to hunt in the mountains after a while?"



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