Remember [New] for a second,! "real?"

"Of course it's true!"

"That's great!" Qiao Xuan's eyes shone brightly, "It's still my husband who knows what I like best!"

She has long been eager to wander between the mountains and forests in Anze Prefecture to see if there are any good resources and good harvests, but because of the existence of those mountain bandits, she can only think about it.

Now that the idea is finally about to become a reality, can you still be happy?

It was getting dark early, so hurry up and hurry along the way. When I rushed back to Anzezhou City, it was still dark.

You can’t go without speeding up, the road is too difficult to walk, and no matter how slow you are, you may not know when you will be able to return.

When she got off the carriage, Qiao Xuan rubbed her waist, which was a sigh of relief. Roads must be built!

The maids and servants were all relieved when they saw the two coming back. An An was so excited that she opened her arms and struggled in the nurse's arms, babbling at Qiao Xuan for a hug.

Qiao Xuan also thought about An An all day long, not caring about being tired and tired, she hurriedly smiled and hugged An An in her arms, kissed him and rubbed against him, making the little guy giggle, fluttering with beautiful big eyes and small eyes. I babbled and didn't know what to say.

The nurse smiled and said, "In the end, the young master is the closest to his wife, and he is looking for his wife all day today!"

The maids all laughed in agreement.

No, the young master made a lot of trouble when he couldn't find his wife. Today, he can make a lot of trouble for them all day.

Qiao Xuan also laughed, no wonder she said that the nanny and the others just saw her eyes shining brightly, they dared to be troubled by this little guy!

Shao Yunyun is about to take An An from Qiao Xuan's arms, "Dear, your mother is exhausted, father hugs."

Unexpectedly, An An refused to do so, and subconsciously turned around and threw herself on Qiao Xuan and hugged her neck, shaking her head babblingly.

He wants a mother!

Everyone couldn't help but laugh, and Qiao Xuan also laughed, "How old is he, let me hold him!"

Shao Yunyun laughed, shook his head helplessly, and walked into the house with their mother.

The family of three played for a while, An An drank the milk, and soon fell asleep. With her small eyes closed, her face became even smaller, and her facial features were so delicate and delicate that she was particularly lovable. Breathing evenly and sleeping very sweetly, it can be seen that he is really exhausted from the noise during the day.

The nurse carefully carried An An away, and Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun only had dinner. UU reading

By the way, Qiao Xuan told Shao Yunyun what she wanted to have in Liuhe Fort.

The surrounding area is really well developed, just right, build a villa in the original place of Liuhe Fort, and completely erase the traces of the bandits.

If it wasn't for Hutouzhai and Minjiazhai, on the way back, she had asked about the two places, one is between strange peaks and boulders, and the other is hidden in deep mountains, old forests and towering ancient trees, she would have liked to develop those two places.

After listening to Qiao Xuan's words, Shao Yunyun thought about the terrain of Liuhe Fort, nodded and smiled, "Miss if you want it, if you want it, it's better than being idle!"

"Then it's settled!" Qiao Xuan was very happy: "It's just in the slack time of the farming season, everyone is idle, I'll hire more people to work, and by the way, I can let everyone earn some money to support the family! "

When she talked about these things, her eyes lit up, and people liked it very much. Shao Yunyun's heart was slightly warm, and she nodded and smiled: "Miss just make arrangements."



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