Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1918: Planning for farming

Remember [New] for a second,! Qiao Xuan is very interested in this. Now that the bandits are all wiped out, the huge Anze Prefecture is rich in resources and has a vast territory.

After a night of lingering tenderness and a radiant face the next day, they called Song Shi, Liu Fu, Mian Mian and others to discuss the matter.

Because there is no shortage of money to hire people, and Songshi has already experienced management of wasteland reclamation. The previously purchased wasteland is almost finished, and now there is a new one, Songshi is the first to be refreshed.

Mianmian and Liu Fu are also very interested.

According to Qiao Xuan's general plan, most of the land reclaimed in Liuhebao is used to grow various medicinal materials.

She took a general look at that piece of land. Tianma, Taizishen, Huangjing, Tianqi, Angelica, and Bletilla striata can all be planted. Some fruit trees are planted in the corners and in the medicinal fields, which can not only harvest the fruit, but also provide shade from the shade cast by the fruit trees.

In the nearby mountains and Liuhebao Mountain, chicken farms can also be built.

Chicken farms need to be vacant and rotated every year, that is, one chicken farm raises chickens for one year, and the next year leaves the place vacant, and the chickens are raised in another place. The advantage of this rotation is that the hygiene aspect is more guaranteed.

After all, no matter how big the chicken farm is, the chickens will be very dirty after a year of tossing and breeding, and I don’t know how many bacteria will breed. If it continues to be raised in the old place, it is very likely that chicken plague will occur in the hot summer.

But the place in the mountains is spacious, which is not a problem.

In this era, once the chicken plague occurs in a chicken farm, there is no other way than to watch one chicken die.

Qiao Xuan doesn't know much about this either. When it comes time to really raise her, she will have to explore a little bit.

But she knows the direction anyway, and knows that the food and drinking water provided to the chickens must be clean, and the chicken coop and the place where the chickens move must be spacious and clean. When the weather is hot, use wormwood to fumigate and disinfect around the chicken house, and then provide some herbal water for the chickens to drink.

Slowly, I can always find out a set of effective methods.

She had heard of a local method before. It was said that cactus could prevent chicken plague, so she turned around and asked for help to find out where there were cacti. . . . . .

In the valley on the edge, there is a stream, and the place in the valley is not small, you can raise ducks.

Three or four broad ponds, neither deep nor shallow, were dug along the stream, and a few more ditches, large and small, were dug, and there were as many twists and turns as possible, planting aquatic plants, and stocking ducks.

Divide the water into pieces, and stock the ducks in turn, so that the water source will not be damaged and enough time to recover.

If you can, you can also build a small pond, plant lotus root and fish, think about it, it is beautiful!

Several rows of houses can be built on Liuhebao~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to build a villa, and a villa is also planned to be built at the foot of the mountain.

The main reason is that the mountain road is not easy to walk, and going up the mountain is even more tiring. If the villa is only built on the mountain, all kinds of warehouses, agricultural tools, etc. must be placed on the mountain, and medicinal materials, fruits, etc. have to be picked up the mountain for disposal, wouldn’t it be troublesome?

All these things can be done at the foot of the mountain, which is convenient and trouble-free.

Of course, the most important thing is: build the road!

While reclaiming wasteland, we have to build roads at the same time.

No matter how good the road is, at least the two carriages can travel relatively staggered.

In the future, to carry things into the mountains, of course, you have to use a carriage. Relying on manpower alone is too inefficient!

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