Remember [] for a second,!

In fact, as long as the crown prince sends someone to Anzezhou, everything will be clear. But he can't do it. Princes can't do this. It is taboo to send someone to contact local officials privately and inquire about local affairs.

If anyone finds out, he will be out of luck.

Of course, this does not mean that the princes have no spies on the ground.

But An Zezhou is different, because Shao Yunyun made such a big battle there, and I don't know how many pairs of eyes staring at it secretly, even the princes are waiting for the prince to send someone to investigate.

The prince could not guarantee that the people he secretly sent out would be able to successfully escape the eyes that he didn't know how many and where they were hiding.

When the staff heard what the Crown Prince said, they all breathed a sigh of relief and praised the Crown Prince "wise!".

The crown prince is different from the princes. As long as he does not make mistakes, his status will always be as stable as a rock.

They only need to maintain stability, they only need to be careful not to let the prince make mistakes, and not let those princes get the chance to attack the prince.

As long as you continue to endure like this, there will always be a day when you can see the moon!

In fact, there are also many aides on the Prince's side who don't agree with Shao Yunyun's tough methods at all, and feel that he is simply looking for trouble!

The prince is a precious porcelain, and those princes are earthenware. If you confront them head-on, it is the prince who suffers.

Why bother?

Forbearance and prudence, to be successful, and to win a reputation for kindness and generosity!

Among them, those aides who were jealous and rejected Shao Yunyun for fear that the prince would change his mind, but there were a lot of open and secret comments.

Even the prince concubine advised the prince to act cautiously, and angrily complained to the prince about the gossip he had overheard outside: "...These people really don't know what it means! They said that the prince would achieve nothing if he left Lord Shao, An Zezhou The news from the other side has not yet been determined whether it is true or false, so I can't wait to beg Master Shao to come back! It's really outrageous! When does the prince need to beg a courtier when he is good? This is really unheard of..."

When the prince heard this, he was also a little unhappy, and his face was slightly hot with embarrassment.

If he lied to others, he couldn't lie to himself. He really regretted that he didn't resolutely stay with Shao Yunyun.

And it is also true that there is nothing to achieve and nothing that can be praised by the father.

Sometimes, he couldn't help but secretly think about what would happen if Shao Yunyun was still there.

The conclusion is that if Shao Yunyun was still it wouldn't be like this anyway...

This kind of words have no meaning now, and he naturally won't say it to people.

But this rumor has precisely hit the regret in his heart, how can he not be angry when someone talks about it like this...

Thinking of this, the Crown Prince would not propose to send Shao Yunyun back to Beijing.

Otherwise, wouldn't it prove that these rumors are true?

The fourth prince and the others are still gearing up to block them in every possible way. I don't want to, just a mere rumor will dispel the prince's idea. There was no movement from the Prince's side quietly.

But the fourth prince was so happy that he waited.

Take it easy!

At the same time, they looked down on the prince more and more in their hearts, and felt that he had no courage and determination.

How can a person who is soft-hearted and has no opinion be qualified to be the lord of the world?

Even Emperor Qi Xuan, who was addicted to alchemy for longevity in the palace, was surprised - he thought that the prince would ask him to order Shao Yunyun to return to Beijing.

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