Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1932: The prince is embarrassed

Remember [] for a second,!

No, the prince obviously had more than one chance to mention it, but he didn't mention it for a while.

Emperor Qi Xuan shook his head, but he really didn't understand, what the **** was his prince thinking!

Forget it, the prince doesn't have any ideas, and he doesn't have much to do.

Anyway, he was full of talented people in China, and it didn't matter to him whether Shao Yunyun returned to Beijing or not. Left and right, he is nothing but a servant. Let him practice outside for a few more years.

The crown prince didn't say anything, and it was so easy to declare the emperor to go to court today, but the fourth prince played on it: Shao Yun, the governor of Anze Prefecture, has done a good job in suppressing the bandits, and he deserves a reward!

It was like a drop of water fell from a frying pan, and it exploded in an instant!

Countless courtiers looked at the prince subconsciously, and even Emperor Qi Xuan subconsciously glanced at the prince.

The prince's body was tense, and his face was hot. If it wasn't for him being well-kept, calm, and barely able to remain calm, I'm afraid he would be embarrassed and embarrassed.

Can you be embarrassed? Everyone knows that Shao Yunyun is his person, and everyone knows how much credit Shao Yunyun has made for him.

However, Shao Yunyun made great achievements in suppressing the bandits. It was not his master who invited him to commend him, but the Fourth Prince took the initiative to mention this!

This is equivalent to a slap in the face of his life!

No matter whether the fourth prince is sincere or fake, he undoubtedly succeeded in disgusting the prince.

The Crown Prince suppressed the unspeakable anger in his heart, forced a smile and echoed: "The Fourth Emperor is right, Master Shao has made a great contribution this time, and solved the scourge of one party for my Daqin, which deserves a reward!"

"That's right," the fourth prince said with a spring breeze on his face: "Father, Sir Shao has such a feat at a young age and has great talents. It can be seen that it is right to go out to Beijing. If you practice in the local area for a few more years, it will be settled in the future. It is the talent of my great Qin Dongliang! Therefore, it is not only rewarded, but also rewarded."

The Crown Prince felt even more embarrassed, so stiff that he could hardly nod his head or speak, "Exactly..."

Emperor Qi Xuan smiled incredulously and nodded: "Prince and the fourth child are all right. According to the decree, Shao Yunyun has done a good job in suppressing the bandits, and he will be given a hundred taels of gold, a pair of white walls, and a number of royal brocades, so that he can be an official and govern. On the one hand, for the benefit of the people, don't disappoint me."

The implication is that Shao Yunyun will continue to practice locally, but he will still have the opportunity to return to Beijing in the future.

Since the emperor said so, it is conceivable that when Shao Yunyun returns to Beijing in Japan, it must be a beautiful scene...

The fourth prince bowed and smiled: "Father is wise!"

The prince also said: "Father is wise..."

After the dynasty was dispersed~www.wuxiaspot.com~ officials from the Ministry of Rites and the Ministry of Personnel drew up the decree, arranged the rewards, and discussed who to send to Anze Prefecture to pass the decree and reward.

The prince kept the clouds and the wind and returned to the prince's mansion, and he couldn't hold back any longer!

The fourth one is so disgusting! So disgusting for him!

There are no outsiders now, so there is no need to suppress and control, the prince's face is hot for a while, recalling the time when the fourth prince mentioned this, the countless pairs of eyes that were looking at him, either openly or secretly, the prince slapped his hand heavily. He patted it on the table and gritted his teeth.

The staff of the East Palace are also boring.

Originally, he was jealous of Shao Yunyun, and even more jealous.

That He De He Neng, surnamed Shao, even the Fourth Prince asked for credit for him, and the emperor rewarded him without sending someone to Anze Prefecture to verify the situation first.

Others are not in the capital, but they are still in the limelight in the capital. How can these people not be jealous? It seems they are too useless!

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